What is this pasta
I don't have much time to write this. I know you're not going to believe this cursed story, But this isn't a creepypasta, it really happened! You have to believe me or YOU'RE NEXT!!!!"
I was a skeptic intern at Nickelodeon, until one day, when we were watching an episode entitled "Goodbye 66613610 DEAD, MURDER STILL AT LARGE.wmp4avi", some creepy shit happened!
The episode started with Patrick killing Spongebob Hyper-realistically. One of the interns did a small throat laugh at it, and he turned into a giant throat monster, but I said to him "SHUT UP, FO!", and he exploded into blood. Lots of it. In fact, so much the entire room and everything in it became soaked in lots of blood. Then for no reason at all, the blood starting bleeding, and the room became flooded with blood. When our boss opened the door, the entire building got flooded, and everything in a certain radius got attacked by parked cars and blood floods. I blacked out.
When I woke up from unconsciousness, I found myself in Spongebob's house. There on the floor, was Shrek. He decided to go into maximum overdrive (or in ogre-speak, ogredrive), but before anything could happen, Shrek got BSOD'd, and he turned into Patrick.
I ran to the door, but when I opened it, I got another door. I became a computer virus, and an orgy popped out of a potato. I opened the door again, only to find a door. I opened that door, and guess what, behind was ANOTHER DOOR. I opened that door, and guess what? Behind was YET ANOTHER DOOR. Spongebob pops out from the ground, and starts chasing me. I decided to keep opening the endless rows of doors. When I opened the 100th door, I fell.
You know the area of the Monsters Inc. building where all of the doors are stored? That's exactly where I was. The door portal (they act like portals the movie) I came out of was orange with blood and pineapple juice stained on it. I heard SpongeBob coming up towards me, and I jumped to the door next to the one I was on. Said door I jumped to was neon blue and black.
I went through a mix between Polybius, Tunnel vision, seizure flashes, raves, and overdoses. There were so many doors actually, I decided which one led to the exit.
The first one I saw, I opened, I ended up in what seemed like a black hole, minus the singularity part. There was a pure white door, and when I opened it, and a skeleton popped out of a door that was behind the same door I opened. Then I cried. Then, excitingly, I farted. Everything exploded, and I counted to 4. I skipped 3 like always. Then I wiggled my 2s and then potato.
I said to the potato "SHUT UP FO!", and it exploded into a cabbage. I said "SHUT UP FO!" again, and the cabbage exploded into a portal. However, like the idiot I was, I said "SHUT UP FO!", and the portal exploded... And that was it. It didn't explode into anything, it just exploded and that was it.
Then the screen zoomed onto my corpse, but I said "SHUT UP FO!", and everyone died.
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