Note: The SOG video of this pasta has presumably been deleted. Whether a surviving copy of the video file exists is currently unknown (or has not been verified yet).
Okay, I don't know how exactly to start this. I'm not exactly sure how this all started either. But this is so fucked up that I don't even care anymore. I just have to get this out there while I still have the chance. My name is Hunter. That is enough information for you right now.
I'm neck deep in a pile of shit, with no way out. I tried telling some people, but they think it's a fucking joke. But it may be better to let them do that anyway. I'd hate myself if I got more people involved. I need you guys to believe me on this, I can't stop these happenings, and I don't know why it's happening to me, but it's happening.
There are three people besides me that I know about. I don't think I'm really a part of this, I just think I'm the one who has to watch and the one who has to know what happens. The three people are Jon, 2nd Lieutenant Colt, and an unknown person who is simply "unlucky", as they say. I think they all use the unknown as a scapegoat, so that's what I like to call him. Scapegoat. Only two people have ever talked. No one has ever talked directly to me.
Colt and Scapegoat are the only ones who've ever said anything. I'm not even sure if Jon ever listens to them. Colt is the person who talks most of the time, and Scapegoat hardly ever talks. They have the exact same voice though, so I think that Colt uses Scapegoat to talk. Although they talk in completely different ways.
I'll start by telling you about what I know about Jon and Colt. 2nd Lieutenant Colt and Jon (not sure of his rank or last name) were part of an Army unit.
Jon, Colt, and their Army unit were in Special Operations with only "green" level clearance. I'm not quite sure what that means, but I think it's implied that they were a black ops unit.
Back when the unit was still in operation, Jon, Colt, and the unit really, really, REALLY fucked up things. Just some of the countries I heard them talking about were Laos, Vietnam, Cuba, and Russia. I know this sounds like cold war stuff, but I believe that this happened 30+ years ago. Like I said, they really messed up shit there. I thank God everyday that I don't know the details on what they did. But somewhat knowing Colt, I don't think I could live with myself if I knew.
God knows what Scapegoat has been through. Russia, I believe, is when the unit fucked up big time. They all got captured, and executed on the spot. All except Colt and Jon. Colt and Jon were shot in the chest and left for dead. They managed to last until night fall and the Russians moved out. They signaled for help with their radios and were rescued. Happy ending?
Fuck no. When they got back to the States, they were treated like terrorists. Processed, questioned, tortured, you name it. "They" did all of that to them so they knew they wouldn't talk. Jon listened. Jon tried to live out the rest of his life only haunted by the memories of the past. Colt couldn't live like that. He started talking.
About everything. He started off on minor web forums, just saying anti-American shit. He talked about how they were watching you, "ALL THE FUCKING TIME!" and how only he and Jon knew. People mostly dismissed him. But someone did listen to him. The person went and began to poke around in the history of all of the major wars in the U.S. past. He looked up things that made no sense.
Things that Colt told him to look for. But going snooping around for shit like that, makes people notice. One day, the person was there, the next, he was gone. So was Colt. All of his online records were deleted as simply as hitting the backspace button on the keyboard. No one noticed, and no one cared. I'm not sure who the person was, but I think that person turned into Scapegoat. How am I involved with this? I know this sounds crazy, I thought I was crazy at first, but it was a normal a night as ever.
Sitting at home, playing video games. Shit kids are SUPPOSED to do. I was playing Modern Warfare 3. Having a great fucking time. I got an invite from a person on my friends list.
The thing was, I didn't remember adding that person. The gamertag was: (gamertag widthheld) I joined his game just for the hell of it. I thought I must of met this person before or something. I joined (gamertag withheld)'s game and noticed that it had a blank, checkerboarded map.
At first I just thought it was just a modded lobby and that I would get banned if I tried doing it. I was hovering right over the "YES" button to leave the game when I saw the name of the map. "Truth.xex" I was a little interested, because I've never seen anything like that before.
I exited out of the exit menu and waited. I realized no one else was going to join, so I was about to send a message to (gamertag withheld) when I saw his clan tag changed. The clan tag could only have four letters at a time, but I saw him put:
"DO", "U", "WANT", "TO", "KNOW", "TRTH", "?"
I was really interested now.
I regret it everyday now, but I typed in "YES" in my clan tag. Next thing that happened, my fucking power went out. But then I realized that the light in my room was still on.
I just shrugged it off. I was a little pissed off because I thought that it was going to be really cool. I tried turning my console on, but got the fucking red ring of death. I thought it was just bad luck.
I think that's kind of ironic now that I think about it. Anyway, I went on my computer to see if I can message him on I turned on my computer, and was horrified when I looked at the time. It had been almost six hours since I remembered.
I know it was 7:00 PM when I got the invite, and saw that it was now 12:47 AM. I was a little worried, but kinda just thought I might have accidentally fallen asleep or something and my Xbox turns off five hours of non-use.
Then I saw that my Skype was open. I click on it, and see messages that were supposedly sent by me. Ones I never sent. I gasped at what I saw. It looked like some crazy person broke into my room and started typing random shit on Skype. I typed:
"Guys, what the fuck's going on!?"
All I got as a reply was: "What the fuck hunter! the fucking shit you just said!" and I was removed from the chat.
I tried telling them I didn't know what was going on, but they just blocked me. Because I was blocked, I couldn't look at the messages I "sent."
I was really freaked out at this point. I just sat back in my chair when I heard the message alert for Skype. Glad that someone finally replied to me, I clicked on the Skype icon. I was met with the following conversation.
(username withheld): You said you wanted to know the truth.
Hunter: Who is this?
(username withheld): Do you still want to know?
Hunter: Who. The fuck. Is this!? What the hell did you do to my computer!?
(username withheld): That's not the scariest thing we can do Hunter.
Hunter: Seriously, this isn't funny.
(username withheld): FOR FUCK'S SAKE, YOU'RE RIGHT!
I knew you were smart!
This isn't funny at all. Not by a long shot.
Hunter: What the fuck do you want?
(username withheld): To tell the truth.
They never tell the "truth" anymore. I want to.
Hunter: Who are "they"?
(username withheld): Them.
Hunter: Who is them!?
(username withheld): You think you don't know them, but you do.
There're everywhere watching you. Looking for you.
Hunter: Okay, fuck this. I'm getting off, seeya!
I'd know how it feels to see that.
You don't want that blood on your hands.
I have so much blood on my hands. I see the fucking lies all around. Written in blood. All I can do is watch while I see people like you live in the lies.
Hunter: Who are you?
(username withheld): Call me Colt.
Hunter: What do you want with me?
(username withheld): To watch.
To learn.
To feel.
For once.
Hunter: How?
(username withheld): I'll show you in good time. Your friends are lucky you woke up. If they gave out any more information about themselves to any of us, they'd be in the same position as you.
Hunter: What position am I in?
(username withheld): A terrible one. A fucking messed up situation.
Just watch, and you'll know so much.
Skype: (username withheld) is offline.
I shut of my computer and cried. I'm not allowed to tell anymore. Colt won't let me. He might remove somethings that he deems "untruthful." Guys, I'm really scared. There is so much more I want to tell you, but I can't. I'm just want this to end. And Colt said it will. Soon.
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