The Truth About Neon Genesis Evangelion
I used to help with making animes, especially in the 90's. I'm sure that if you know enough information about anime, then you must know about Neon Genesis Evangelion. I used to like that show. But that changed on one fateful day.
I used to be an intern at GAINAX Studios in Japan. It was after the series had finished. I accidently went into a room that said DON'T ENTER OR YOU'LL BE SORRY". I accidently took a look inside because I was curious. There, I found a tape that said SCRAPPED EVANGELION FOOTAGE TOP SECRET. I put the tape in, and the video started.
It showed the intro and stuff, but then something crazy as shit happened. SHINJI ACTUALLY GOT INTO THE FUCKING ROBOT!!!!!!!!!! I was so scared, I couldn't move. Then something even CRAZIER happened! And then a giant Skrillex came out and I heard a voice say, "YO SKRILL DROP IT HARD!" AND THEN SHINJI STARTED SPAZZING OUT AND DROPPING SOME SICK MOVES! THEN SOMETHING EVEN SCARIER POPPED OUT OF THE SKY! IT WAS SHINJI'S DAD! HE STARTED DROPPIN AND POPPIN EVEN MORE SICK MOVES THAN SHINJI! SKRILLEX WAS PISSED OFF NOW! THEN A VOICE SAID: "I'm eatin fun dip right now not givin a fuuuuuuuuuuuuu" AND THEN SKRILLEX ATE FUN DIP AND HIS EYES STARTED GLOWING BLUE! Something started to emrge from his mouth! It was DeadMau5! HE TOOK OFF HIS GIANT MAU5 HEAD, AND THREW IT AT SHINJI'S DAD, AND EVERYTHING EXPLODED!
And then the whole studio blew up due to amounts of sick beats being dropped. I died a horrible death that day, and so did everyone else in the studio. I remember that really hurt my back. Damn explosions are a pain in the ass just in case you're wondering. I've never watched the show since that day. Even at night, I can hear the faint noises of some sick beats being dropped from outside of my house. I can even see a half shaved long haired man in the corner of my eye. He's always watching. Please what ever you do DON'T WATCH NEON GENESIS EVANGELION! YOU'LL BE NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Written by MechaKingGhidorah789
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