The Power of the Atom
A couple of months ago my friend moved into a new house and he found a PNY Flashdrive. He checked it out and all he found were different folders with the same name, "New Folder." He read a few and noticed a lot of it was rambles about nuclear weapons. At the end of all of them they would end with this quote, "The Power of The Atom". Or in some other saying about "The Atom".
I asked my friend multiple times for him to give it to me and after awhile he finally gave it to me. I've been trying to sort it out as they seem to fall in some type of order. I didnt view them all but I will soon. I'll be keeping you guys up to date on here about them. I'll get to you guys as soon as I can and paste them onto here. At the end of each post I'll leave a comment of what I think and the date and time I posted. I'll see if I can post a few tomorrow after school. As of now I need to go to bed.
Monday, May 28th 2012 10:39 p.m.
Just like I said yesterday I'll post an entry from one of the multiple files on the flash drive. The saying will be in quotes as I post them up.
Entry 1
"We will be dropping bombs to set the world on fire. Live and reside in the haze of green. Water polluted and air intoxicated. Plants withered and dead. Bring us the Power of the Atom."
I chose this one to start because it grabbed my eyes first as I read it. Who will be dropping bombs? The after effects from the bombs are stated in that statement but who and when. It seems that with the other entries it gives more clues but not complete answers. Something that really needs a look into. I'll post a second entry soon.
Tuesday, May 29th 2012 5:06 p.m.
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