The Polish Nap Experiment

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This page is not safe for work or school. The content of this story is not suitable for some audiences, and may be inappropriate to view in some situations... Or in all situations, at any time, any place, and by any audience for that matter.

It's been 69 days since they started this god damned experiment. Not really sure what it's for, but they say we'll find out soon.

We sure do know what we have to do.

Go 6 months without sleeping/napping. It's the napping part that horrifies me the most. A man needs his naps y'know? Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a lazy person. I at least go outside 2.5 times a month.

They (EVIL PATRIXXX and some Polish people) sometimes get dildos with razors attached to them and shoves it up our arse. They say it gives us a burst of energy.

It's just an excuse so that them sex craving assholes can fuck us.

For entertainment in this godforsaken place, well what they call entertainment, we get pumped by a large dildo with sharp blades attached along the sides.

Food we get fed chopped off limbs, and drink is the sweat from EVIL PATRIXXX's balls. It's a see through yet murky liquid that looks like it has some yellow dandruff in it.

I'm pretty sure there is more to this experiment then just napping.

I need to find out more about EVIL PATRIXXX and his Polish henchmen, how we got here, and why we need to do this experiment.


So I know a bit more about what the experiment is for. I quickly snuck out of our tiny white walled room and into their... room I guess.

It was simply a long table with chairs in it.

I noticed that they were sitting on the chairs, but I was seeing them from a sound proof window.

All I heard was muffled discussions.

I had to get the door slightly ajar to hear anything.

Being the stealthy mother fucker I am, I listened in while making no noise at all.

All I heard was someone saying "When will we tell them that we are only keeping them as sex toys?"

"We don't."

That was enough I needed to know. I rollerskated back into our room and sat down. Looks like this isn't an experiment after all...

But I still need to know why we can't nap.

I drank my ball sweat then rolled around for a few hours.


It turns out, this is kind of an experiment. I did the same thing from a few days ago and now I know that they are going to see if we die of tiredness from our orgasms, lack of sleep and lack of food.

But the lack of food has just gotten worse.

The arms and legs that we eat is apparently from Brits. There is now a lack of people in Britain as Harry Potter has cast a ritual to kill all of them.

So what do we eat, you ask?

Ourselves and the others around us.

Its actually surprisingly tasty!


I did the usual sneak-into-Polish-people's-room, and I saw them noting results of what they were doing.

"Cannibalistic test has been executed... Results showing positive."

The man then stuck the note on (can't believe I never noticed it before) a wall saying "IMPURTUNT NOTZ"

"Thank you gentlemen."

The Polish people and EVIL PATRIXXX stood up and they were going over to the door.

Oh damn! They were walking in my direction!

I quickly hid behind a grain of sand, and sure enough they didn't see me. I inspected the wall, and on it were all sorts of notes, some even saying, "Harry Potter has done ritual. A pay of 50 teabags has been shipped his way." And, "DILDOS NEEDING SHARPENED SUBJECTS ARE SHOWING LESS PAIN." So does that mean the Polish people are shippers? And that us 'subjects' are being pain stricken so that they can get pleasure from our pain?


My left arm is gone. Damnit Johnny! That was my writing hand! 3 of us subjects remain, we ate the others. PATRIXXX's balls are sweating less which means we get less drink.

So we drink each others blood.

This stupid nap experiment has turned us into psychotic cannibals.

I'm kinda tired. But PATRIXXX said that if we sleep we get burned to death. *yawn* Damn I'm really tired. All this human eating has made me really sleepy...



I slept.

But I didn't get burned alive! Instead, when I woke up I was in a very, very large room. A very loud voice stated "Subject No. 409 survived 81 days. You can go home now."

When The Voice said that, a large door slowly opened. The outside looked very bright from me being inside for so long.

I sprinted.

I sprinted as fast as I could.

Yes... YES... YES!!! I was fr-

"Welcome, subject no. 4 to The Russian Sleep Experiment."

Oh for gods sake!

Harry Potter's ritual is featured in my other story, An Englishman's Horror.

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