The Phone Emulator
Does anyone remember a site called "" ? It was up and running for about 6 months 2 or 3 years ago, until hacked by "Pikasmurff" or at least that's what it said when I tried to enter the site to download a new rom.
Well, my story starts a little earlier, when my favorite aunt (she said she'd kick my ass if I said her name here) bought me a game boy (used), Fire red and Sapphire, now I know Fire red and Sapphire don't go together, but hey, that's all we could afford for 60 bucks (that and a chocolate bar).
After playing them for a LONG while, my brother stepped on Sapphire and my mother washed my pants with Fire red on them ( they deserved punishment! ), sadly my Game boy got stolen at the school locker rooms, I still had Monster Ranchers 2, DBZ and a few others, my mother gave them to my cousin since I didn't have a GB anymore.
Nothing creepy there, right? Well that's cause they never acted up and I never hacked those games, that's just how I felt in love with Pokemon games. I'll never understand how can some people play, like me, can play them over and over without getting bored. The creepy stuff began with that site I mentioned earlier.
It was a Monday afternoon, I was just checking my inbox on Facebook, only new on was from my friend Miguel from Puerto Rico " yo Migue! (His first name is also my middle name) encounter this new site for GB roms, solo tiene like 80 or so, but a few are really niceeee man, check it out! "
It really didn't have many games, but it had stuff like Megaman, DBZ... And Pokemon! I hadn't yet found a copy of Gold that wouldn't glitch when used. I downloaded Gold and placed it on my Emulator folder, it ran smoothly, didn't have any glitches that I could see, sadly I had to move a lot from side to side and couldn't sit at the PC and play properly without my brother ( my family has a store ) coming and closing the Emulator window, that little bitch.
I remembered about Meboy and that I had it on my USB, I placed my USB into the USB port and copied Gold to a folder with other roms. I then ran Meboy and used it on the Gold file, after a moment it was ready. I simply plugged my phone's cable into the computer and copied the .Jar file into my phone, after putting everything away and went to fold some clothes to put them away.
Later when I was eating and had some free time, I remember about Gold being on my phone, I installed the file ( damn slow phone ) and began playing.  That's when it got weird, no intro, no music, it skipped straight into the menu, odd, it did played the intro when I used it on my PC, the only option was " Continue ", what the Hell happened to " New Game " and " Options "??
I clicked on " Continue " I appeared on a cave, but I wasn't even near a cave on my other game! It was rather annoying to tell you the truth. It was just a square cave, it exactly filled up the screen. I could see all the walls, there were rocks on each corner, and a small grey door. And what's this? A Pokemon sprite was standing there, it didn't look like those generic sprites that usually pop up when a pokemon is outside it's ball, it was a very detailed Rampardos.
I couldn't leave using the door, so I talked to the Pokemon, it said something in another language, later my friend Linda noticed it was Latin, she only knew a few of the words. " Rock, Time, Sand " That's all she understood, when I pressed the A button ( or what would be A on my phone ) the type screen you use to name thing would appear, I try typing random words in Latin but all that did was close the Meboy on my phone.
After a while I grew bored of this, I thought maybe it was a hack, but then again. It ran just right when use on the computer. I remember Miguel knew about hacking to I moved to the computer and sent him and Inbox, two weeks after his reply he informed me that he found nothing weird about the Rom and that he had compared the Gold file from the site to his own. I asked him to check my Meboy and I sent it to him, again nothing weird. I explained what was goin on and he decided to run it on his phone to check it out.
Ten minutes later " Pues I didn't appear on a cave, I was in a forest and un Caterpie said weird things en quien sabe what language dude, and I'm not even high right now!! "
I found it weird but we left it at that, the next day, a Friday, I had a fun idea, I gave my phone to Linda and asked her to run the Meboy. She appeared on a 4 block island with a Tentacruel sprite, again Latin words and the type up menu, but the words where different, my younger brother got a cave and a Diglett, my mother (she gave us a funny look but still did it) got a Ratata and a forest, all different Latin words.
We just decided it was an odd glitch, even if the place and Pokemon would be the same for each person no matter how many times we tried.
Last week: " Miguel: oye Migue! Guess what? Remember that fucked up game you had? The Poke-Gold one, ya me di cuenta of what was wrong with it! That shit is a riddle, a Japanese riddle. I figured if we type the answer in Latin too the Pokemon will let us in! Don't you just love me gwey? Jajaja imma just gonna try it and tell you what happens when you log in ;p I used Google Translate on the riddle and the answer, write me up man! "
I was busy at work and didn't read his inbox until night, he hasn't answered yet, I checked his wall. " I gotta secret you mofos would envy me! Jajajajaaaa "
"Mierda! Que putas es esto!? " That's all I found from him, I think he got the right answer and was let inside, but I'm not sure what happened to him.
None of our friends know what happened to him, he hasn't logged on to any of his MMORPG accounts or anywhere else, he just vanished. He lives in Puerto Rico so I can't go check on him. I guess I'll never know what was behind that door.
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