The Journey
Uploader's note: This story was never actually finished
October 4, 2011
6:30 am - I just woke up for school. Had a weird dream can't remember what it was.
7:12 am - Gonna take my cross to school. I feel an awkward presence.
7:55 am - Just got to school. Not gonna write in my journal for awhile.
12:44 pm - Just got back from lunch. Had a good time. Keep seeing things from the corner of my eye. Kinda disturbing.
3:31 pm - Gonna leave school in 19 minutes. Decide I'd write in here. I keep seeing a man in the shadows...
4:03 pm - Home! I feel cold... its 80 degrees inside my house. Maybe I'm sick.
7:43 pm - It's dark out... I see him outside. M-maybe it's my shadow.
9:14 pm - Gotta go to bed. Starting to get paranoid. Damn creepypastas.
October 5, 2011
7:00 am - Later than usual. My mom said I wouldn't get up. I had a nightmare too...
7:46 am - Just up some scratches on my back. What happened?
8:03 am - At school, I keep hearing whispers in complete silence. Gonna write more.
9:16 am - In homeroom, my hearing is distorted. Gonna tell my parents.
1:23 pm - Back from lunch, I couldn't find m journal until now... I found this written sloppy inside "You're time is near..." Probably a prank. It is October.
8:59 pm - Couldn't find it again! More writing "Your time is near, bleed with remorse"
October 6, 2011
12:12 pm - I couldn't find my journal... Getting worse... this man, this thing.
5:34 pm - This. This is getting to outta hand, gotta get a therapist.
7:00 pm - Getting better... i feel..weird
October 7, 2011
1:45 am - Just had an out of body experience. I swear thought I saw something out of my closet.
9:20 am - Late for school, this getting too outta hand. I need a psychic.
3:45 pm - My friend's mom is a psychic. Maybe she can help out.
3:49 pm - Wha-where am I? This place...
4:50 pm - The man... he's here. I can tell... He wants to kill me.
6:05 pm - My time... it's here...
8:56 pm - I was in a trance... Jake's mom put me in one... I know who he is... I must find him before he finds me...
Gonna keep updating throughout October
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