The Haunted School...
The haunted Metz Elementary School was invented in 1916 and was abandoned. These students decided to do a investigation on the school. The group was Sabrina, Cynthia, Kennedy, Robert. These four kids are the bravest kids in school. After school they go to the haunted school. Sabrina shaked and panicked saying "W-What if we pass away?" Cynthia said "Shhh! Shut the f*ck up Sabrina. We are the fearless kids!" Kennedy responded carefully "We are safe. I'm fearless." Sabrina quietly takes a flashlight, it was completely bright and full of battery at this point. Cynthia looks at the old lockers and decorations, until the locker doors starts opening, closing. Kennedy said "Oh holy moly sh!t. This place is 100% haunted..but...WHERE IS ROBERT?" Robert vanished thin air like in the movies. The exit is locked no escape. Cynthia sees Robert's body, showing his guts, blood splatter everywhere, and she screamed "ROBERT!!!!!!!" Cynthia yelled and called out all of the kids names they couldn't heard it. "KENNEDY! SABRINA? WHERE ARE YOU!" When a strange person came out...Sabrina heard Cynthia scream and panicked and tapped on Kennedy's shoulder "i think we should get out of here. No more time saying that you're fearless! Kennedy noticed that there is a note a older note.
Then...Kennedy reads the note carefully in mind
"Dear diary...I'm a professional investigator and decided to investigate this abandoned school, i went missing. The key is in a cage."
"- Ashley Franklin"
Kennedy heard Sabrina scream..Blood splatter everywhere and he decided to found a crowbar to break the hard chain. He goes at the 5th floor, where the library was there, he looked left and right. There was the crowbar. He immediately gets the crowbar and goes to the 3-1 classroom. There was the key caged in. He hits the chain waiting for the chain to break. *THUNK! THUNK! THUNNNNK!* It never worked at the 4th hit it finally break. He cried that he betrayed them, and quickly runs through the exit and escapes.
Credited to SparkleMaddie
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