The Cursed Work
Once upon a time there was a some dude that was named Robert and he was ugly and poor and worked at some place where he had to dig hole's and carry very realy heavy thing's. He had to wake up at very early in the morning and then so when he waked up he needed to go to work at like 2 am in the morning evry day. He did not very like his job, but it was his job so he had to do it. his Boss didn't like him eather. he everyday screamed at him and hited him with a hamer and other sharp things to hurt him. But it was ok for robert because he liked his job anyway.
one day robert was tired and drunk and realy tired from drunking so he called his boss and telled him "i am realy tired and i do'nt know if i can go to work today because im am tired" and the boss said "if yuo dont go to work to day then the work will come to you today" and he laughd into the telephone realy loud so robert could hear his laughing. robert was still very tired and sleepy and drunk from all the alcohol and the phone fell out of his hand and brokened on the floor so he did not hear any laughing and went to sleep. soonly he was woked up by some banging on his door. he tougth it was just some body of his friend's and opened the door. but it wasn't robert's friend. it was hIS BOSS!!! and he had hyper realistic bloody eyes and hyper realistic sharpened teath and he said to robert "i know you was drunked yester day and maybe to day and that's is why your tired and dont wanat o go to work today!!!" and robert was extremly scared because he did'nt know why this boss knowed everything. "the work come to you today becaus your are an lyer!" robert didn't know what to do because he was scarde so hard he was shoked. Suddenly holes' started apearing in Rberts room and heavy things were breakeing his furnicher. robert was scared at his life so he wanted to escpae very fast but he could'nt because his BOss was standing in the only door he had in his house and his boss was very fat and robert couldnt' go around him because his boss was so fat. robert was try to dodgeing the holes and but he almost falled into one. after like 34 minits he had no where to go any more because the holes were everywhere and his everything was crushed by heavy stuffs. then his boss said "take this shovle rob and dig your own grave!!!!!!" robert respondde with "dont call me rob because only my frends call me rob and your not my freind... your dispickable and realy fat" but before robert said that his boss throwed a shovle to rob very very strongly and it hit robret and he falled in to a hole and died forever.
Credited to Scacery
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