Subdued by Fears, Horror, and...

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Elene Saffodil.

That was a name that I had craved of and a memory of a person who I missed so much.

She was a gentle girl.

In fact, very gentle, to the point even those drug dealers get touched.

Maybe if I managed to stop them, it wouldn't be like this.

But it's too late.

My family, my friends, and everyone I knew...

Maybe that massacre was something that subdued me completely...

In fears, and horror...

Oh no, he's here...

As my last diary entry, this is my message:

I was subdued by Fears, Horror, and------ (The rest of the writings were proved unreadable, but what I managed to decrypt were these words...)

If you're so daring, go to the mountains at midnight, and we'll see......

Credited to Serene2Silence

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