Spongebob DEADpants episode
i am a big fan of spongebob. i have all the merchindace and dvds of it. But one day, i was out at a shop and i saw a new spongebob dvd,....
it looked like a normal spongebob season 5 dvd but with blood stains all over it with the back of the case saying 'DONT BUY THIS DVD IT HSUNTED".
i didnt reely care about the back of the dvd becaus i thought it was a joke or troll thing, especally the "fake " blood stains. i put the dvb in my basket and went to the vegetable section and got some carrots and pinapple (becase spongdong live in pineapple.) After i got my grociers, i wnet to the cashier and put my stuff on the conveyer but when the cashier looked at the dvd he looked scared on his face and said. "are yyou want to buy tthis vhs??" he said scared with sadness in his mouth. i replied yes and told him it was accutalyy a dvd. i got in my spongebob ferrari and drove home. When I got home i got my pinapple and spongedounge snacks out. I gonna watch the DVD. i turned on my Xbox 360 Original Model From 2005 and i opened the case of the DVD. the case had ad papers of something called north park (probably south park botoleg copy???)) and the DVD and that it has a blank DVD that was a DVD but not normil beacaes it had hyper realistic blood on it. i thought " hmhhmhmmmmmmmm im sure theres nothing wrong with this DVD" i said to my self. the DVD also had black sharpie crudley like a 1 year old wrote it on the DVD it said "spongebob DEADpants episode doNOT watch" so i cleaned it with my spongebob kitchen sponge to get the 'blood' off and then i went back in the room my with the cleaned DVB and put it in my Xbox 360 Original Model From 2005 and turned on my tv.
DvD starts
when my tv turned on i changed the hdmi to my xbox (hdmi 2) and i pressed the dvd option on the 360 menu. it showed spongebob on the sleect screen on the floorr with a note stating "HIS DEAD" in the bottom right corner of the menu. other than that it was preety normal. it had the 'PLAY ALL' buton but it was blood red with blod dripping onto the "EPISODE SELECTION" button which had the same onto the "SPECIL FEATRES" button. i decided to the the special features first becase i wonder if anything cool was in it to show the boys. it had the regualr special features except fora locked one that said "ONLY FOR THE FEROCIOUS OF FANS" whatevr that means. i decide i come back to it later. I then pressed the PLAYY ALL button and watched all the episodes. seasno 5 isnt that bad reelly. after a few hours after i watched them, i was playing 'splatoon beta' when i remeber the DVD. i finished my anarcy battle and ranked up the Z rank and turned off my gamecube. i glad nothing happnedne then scary in splaton. i quickly whent to the bathroom while my tv turned on. when it did thoguh, it was already ON THE DVD MENU!!!!!!!!!!
Dvd part 2
so this is where it get s scary guys. HOW WAS IT ALREADY ON THE MENUN !!!?!?!?!?
i was so freaked out i vomited enough to refill the entire water supply over the world.
so when i finished vommting from the scare, i went to the bonus to shee if i unlocked the "FEROCIUS" bonus video.
Still no.
i was confsued becase i was sat throguh every episdoe. until i remebered the epsidoe seletcion.
but i was out of snacks to watch anything so i made my self a KREBBY PATYY IN REL LIFE"!!!!!!! ([im such a spongdounge fan i know how{{
when i made it, i sat back down with my spongebob tv and ussed my xbox controlelr to contorl the menu again. but when i went to the epside selection, there was somethign weird,.........
WHAT THE FUCKIING HELL!?!?!?!?!?!??? i sayd calmy to myself
WHY IS SONHCI U HERE!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?! i sayd as i took my gun and shot my tv........ but it dindt destroy it........ only made sonichu notice me!!!!!
he sayd "heelo im sonichu"
me:i know who u are
sonichu: i here to tell you to NOT WATCH THT EPSIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PELAE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i didnt know what he meant bu t it turnt out there was one episde....,,,,,,,,,
SPONGEBOB DEADPANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
scine i was so confusd with sonicho i didnt notic it but know i did,
waht if i do watch it!????? i say
i vomitted mroe. my carept was coveerd in vomit and blood. i dont know how blood was ther, but i payd it no mind.
well, i ignored sonichus pleas.............. and put it on.......
i regret that action, i wish i really didnt...
when i started the episode it was the normal spongebob intro but it wasnt normal it was reversed with blood all over everything until th etitele card appears
and it said spongebob DEADpants and it went to spongebong house and he was crying in his room and he said "thats it gary!!!!!! im done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im gonna get revenge on those sons of bitches!!!" i was suprised becase sponbon dnot swear!!!!!!!!!! and then it show spongebob get nife and gun with hyper realistic bllod on it. his then waent to squidwad house and knocked on the door and squidwad answered. "what the fuck do you want spongebob?" squid ward said "i want....................REVENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" spongebob said as he threw his knife into his (squidwrad) head. it then showed hyper realistic blood splatter all over the place as i vommitted alot more. he tehn walked up to the camra and said "lets take care of everyone else, shall we?". It den showed spinglepodingle killling all his friends in a montage, however, as it went on. Spongebonje got more decayed and dead...... until he came to the screen and his face was hyperrealistic and sayd "i am coming to get you, ray!!!! your next!!!!!!!" i was scared
how di d sapngledangle know my name???
but then i sayd
wrong your idiot
and then he killed me so im dead
never watch it ro spinglebabodinglejingle will kill you..........
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