Spongebob's Overreaction
Once upon a time, I was watching SpongeBob until A brick came out of my roof and it had a disk in it called "Spongebob, Episode Krad" Since I saw the name Spongebob on it, I got excited, so I slammed the disk into my computer and turned on the episode. When the episode turned on, the theme song played and, to be honest with you, despite being 27-years-old, I sang along. Then the title card showed up and it said something in morse code which I couldn't decode because I'm stupid and lazy. When the episode turned into Spongebob's room, he wasn't there for 30 seconds. After that time, he entered the room to go to sleep and then an airplane crash occurred outside of his window, which woke him up. When he saw the outside, he saw Patrick in the plane before the plane blew up. After that, Spongebob started crying while the static grew bigger too the point that I couldn't see anything on the screen. Then the static disappeared right before the screen went to black, which I kind of saw Spongebob Thrust A hammer at someone.
Then when the show went back on, I saw Spongebob looking into Patrick's grave. In which he said, "My best friend is gone, and soon the rest of my friends will be gone too." he said while also looking at another grave, smiling devilishly. He then went to the Krusty Krab, where he knew Squidward and Mr. Krabs would be. He went to the grill to make a couple of Krabby Patties when Squidward looked through the window above the grill to tell Spongebob to make more Krabby Patties, which then Spongebob grab Squidward, taped him up, and burned him on the grill until Squidward turns into squid food. He then threw him outside in the trash and then stated to the customers, "Squidward will no longer be at your service. He 'uhh' he has quit his job in Anger." After all the customers left, he went to Mr. Krab's office and asked for a raise. He then said, "no, my boy." Spongebob then cracked Mr. Krabs shell and STABBED HIS INSIDE BODY. And while in the process more static came up and I was going to turn off the computer, but the computer refused.
The static went on for 12 minutes before the static went off and quickly showed a scene of Spongebob holding a bloody machete, leaving Sandy's dome, which was cracked. Then the time card said, 1 week later, before cutting back to Spongebob at the same graveyard as before, but this time with more graves that resemble Patrick, Gary, Squidward, Mr. Krabs, Pearl, Mrs. Puff, Larry, and Sandy. He then said, "What have I done, the death of Patrick has made me turn this way. What am I gonna do now?" He then looked up and stopped crying. He then had a smile, which then the scene has ended. Then a scene showed where Spongebob has stabbed himself multiple times before falling to the ground. He said, "Я не хотел этого делать, но вы вызвали это, играя это, теперь мои друзья мертвы, я мертв, и вы тоже. Я иду, я буду там," before he died. Then the computer blew up.
I was horrified as to what I've seen that I couldn't be able to sleep, so I went to my backup computer to do something when bloody SpongeBob went on the screen and said, "you thought I was joking now right?" before he sucked me into the computer, where he has me, hostage, along with the other victims. I might be dead so let me warn you if you see a CD fall out of your roof, destroy it, burn it, just get rid of it before you make the same mistake I did. Bye Bye.
Credited to Cheeto man
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