Sonic.exe 3 Chapter 0 Book 1
It was 1951 when sonic the hedgehog was released my name is zander this is my story it was a warem suny purfect day and a snow storm was encuring outside on this waren suny da y i got a packenge in the box and i bourght the borx inside my house
Zander was a 27 year old man that played video games all night and played loud rap music at late nights at the highest volume, his neighbours hated him so much that they called the cops and he just flicked the cops off and slammed the door. He spent 17 days in jail after the police kicked his door down after he threatened to kill them.
i opined da the bvox and salw my pokeman cadardundrnerth waas a cd i nevar sen it be4 i colded beleafed what i salwed it wsise a cd with sanic on top.
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I put the disk in my pc I opened the disk in my pc and started the game it was the or sonic the hedgehog original game for a split second I saw a demon looking at his bloody eyes it looked sonic the was blood flowing and was rusty thing around sonic was rusty and the sky was blood red it also had a little bit of blue but thats because it probably not blood red.
there was also some trees in the background and stuffs there was also a mountain in the background the worst part was that the water was blood red and was sega 666 was at the side of the corner I also saw towns and dead people in the back ground the dead people were dead I guess there was also a tall man with red eyes just standing there staying RIGHT AT ME ME!
The man was blue
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the man was holding that was also blood red two adults were is was laying dead I guess they were his parents I cryed in the corridor of my eyes I saw a sonic plushie it was bloody by the time I looked over it was is gone.
then I got to the main menu.
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