Skelebonn Strikes Back
Well hey there. I'm some average corn dog named Saliva Bob. Today I got a disc from my friend corn dog named Ham McEvildude.
It said Skelebonn's Death Pizza: The Game: The Movie: The Show: The Book: The Game PART 2.
I wondered what it might be. A note on it said ZOMG!!!!!! DESTROY AT ALL COSTS OR U DIE So I brought it to my garage and it it with a sledgehammer. However, it didn't break. Truly a shocking revelation.
I was totally spooked by the fact that the disc was immortal. I decided that if I couldn't destroy it, I would eat it.
So I did.
After an hour, it broke out of my stomach, and my belly was horribly mutilated by the acids that came out along with it so I got a robotic stomach, making me a cyborg.
The CD then jumped into my dvd disc and turned itself on but my computer was unplugged so it was really spooky!!!
It turned on and it was the Five nights at Freddy's title screen but with Skelebonn instead of Freddy Fazbear, and it was really scary.
I decided to play it anyway because I am a half-human, half corn dog who is also a cyborg, and being part corn dog erases your brain cells. But then, i noticed that the thingie majigger that said Scott Cawthon 2014 now said Scott Cawthon 420 69 666. How spoOoOoOoOoky!!!
When I began the game, I wasn't Mike Schmidt like normal. I was a naked lady wearing a giant cupcake mask/hat on her head named Nakey Cupcake.
I could walk around the restaurant and steal pasta from the kitchen. The weirdest thing was when I actually tasted the pasta in real life.
Then, I went up to The little playplace and got on the gigantic swing. It started flying and went through the wall so i got off.
Then, when I went into the slides, something was behind me. It was...SKELEBONN AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!
Nakey Cupcake ran away from her. After Nakey Cupcake got away, music started playing. It was Spooky Scary Skeletons.
I was really scared, but I kept roaming around. Then, things got FUNKY OH YEAH.
I saw a bowl of pasta on the floor. I looked at it, and then I realized that HYPER-REALISTIC BLOOD WAS COMING OUT ASJHAeghwdweyudhqu. The music started to slow down. I kept going through the hall of seizures (Where I was) the lights made it hard to see, but there was another thing of pasta - specifically, lasagna, hanging from a hard light laser. It had spaghetti on the bottom, taped to it and hanging out. The music got lower and slowed down even more. There was some chicken noodle soup can with four holes in it and straws taped to it on the ground as I kept walking. Then there was a chocolate santa with no eyes. it was also covered in pasta sauce.
After a few more seconds, the Spooky Scary Skeletons music stopped, and I sighed with relief. The game turned 2d. Nakey Cupcake reached the door, and opened it. It went into an anti-gravity tunnel, where she ran into without stopping. She found Mario there.
When she saw him, she ripped off her cupcake hat mask thing to reveal she actually had a cupcake for a head. It had puke instead of frosting and poop sprinkles.
She moon-walked towards Mario. Then, Mario turned around and unzipped a suit he was wearing to reveal it was actually... SKELEBONN AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!
Skelebonn summoned her Spooky Skeletons which dragged Nakey Cupcake down to the depths of hell.
then she said 'HEY DERE BIATCH U WON' PLAY GURL????'
Then, it cut to Nakey Cupcake in Hell. There was a sign that said WHALE-COME TO SPOOKY SKELETON-LAND. ALSO KNOWN AS HELL. I wondered why it said WHALE-COME instead of Welcome. But then I saw a giant whale covered in ice that chased Nakey Cupcake.
The whale started talking and it said 'ITS DEATH TIME, BEYOTCH.'
the world started to swirl around and distort. The Whale was shooting fireballs and they were scary because it made everything go on fire like it was a scary hell place or something. It was really spooky.
I was so scared i made a poop in my diaper and ran into spikes. and I kept running into spikes until I ran out of lives. Then, Nakey Cupcake came back to life in SUPER HELL and her cupcake-head had frosting like normal now, but with BLOOD on it. Also, the sprinkles were severed heads. With blood on them. And there were bloody eyes too.
A digital voice said 'FUNKEH!!!' and Enoby Dark'Ness Dementia Raven Tara Way spawned behind me. She had long ebony hair (That's how she got her name) and was using it as a whip.
Nakey Cupcake snapped her cupcake head off and held it up to the screen and said 'Baby, baby, baby, oooooooh right, baby, baby, baby oh aaaaaalright' and the screen started flashing BLOOD RED with wine cups and it said SKELEBONN DOES WHAT NINTENDON'T.
The game closed itself and my CD thing popped out and it had bleeding hyper-realistic bloods on it and when I touched it blood came out of my eyes it was scary.
Next week I decided to play again, even though I knew it was dangerous. When I turned on my computer, I went on word and typed in something but ever letter I typed turned into this:
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And then the document closed and immediately took me back to the game.
Nakey Cupcake was in a bath with blood instead of water and she had her arm up but it was a skeleton arm. And she said 'Lol no stop playin u gonna die bro.'
When I started N.C. was in Heaven and she had pretty horns on my head with tiny wings and she flew when she farted.
Then she got to Skelebonn's wenis hut castle and when she went in a can of pringles was there and said 'SORRY BRO U DED.'
and then She fell through the clouds and died.
Then I was Skelebonn and i couldn't control her. Nnobeleks gave me a ded body and it told me to press X so i did and then she sucked up his body.
Then Nnobeleks threw a lemon at her but it was a dream, and she woke up in her wenis hut castle.
And she was eating Nakey Cupcake! OOOOOH NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Then the screen flashed rainbow with a picture of Moar Krabs. then it was the end. And then it said UR NEXT and when i went on my save file it said SALIVA BOB WILL GET EATEN and I was Saliva Bob?
And then, a demon with stringy white hair and sharp black teeth appeared on my ceiling and Skelebonn came out of his mouth and ate me.
I'm a skeleton ghost writing this and this game made me go in the skeleton war. Do not buy it.
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