Silonce! shouted the pissed off french teacher. Me and my friends laughed at her after class because we all had jokes saying that she was a military Sargent or that she will hunt you down for no reasons at all. I soon found out that they were more than jokes. Being a 41 year old spanish boy in a scottish high school I was pretty smart as I was fat and I had cat food hidden in my fat.
I stood up in the middle of class and I started jiggling my fat around and I forgot to hand in my homework. This made the teacher bolistic. The teacher chased after me and I had to with cat food flying away across the corridors and running into the streets people praying down to me and eating the cat food as I ran.
She was a big fan of the back eyed peas and they said that when she is near you that you can hear black eyed peas music. I was running for days until I got home and told my dad what had gone on. Incase you couldn't have guessed already my dad was Lebron James. My teacher was banging down on the door and Lebron James took me by my nose and threw me into a machine that would transport me where I would get the most help... From the illuminati.
In the car I could hear black eyed peas music so I asked the driver to hurry up. Once I got there I went on Google maps to look for my teacher and I found out that she and Michael Bay were planning to attack me and the Illuminati. Mrs readle pulled off her face to reveal that she was godzilla as she grew in size Michael Bay pulled off his face to reveal that he was ET.
This discovery was so shocking I shat myself.
I prepared for war as I got all of the other celebrities in the illuminati to join me. After all of the Battleing that happened I ran out of cat food in my fat so I had to go back into the base. When I came back out only Lebron James was left out of the celeberaties. I soon realised that I never knew the Illuminati leader at all and all this time I thought that the Illuminati had no leader. As godzilla was about the crush my dad a massive explosion happened that killed Michael Bay.
I looked around to see who did it. I found out that it was who I thought it was all along... Michael Jackson with a Pyrmid head. French Teacher Godzilla Fell over and said that she and Et Michael Bay were all the same person. With her last breathe she said
"Obama Care... Tastes like... Pickles".
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