Scary Red
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Authoers Not: This game is so fuckig real you fucking have to fucking believe in fucking me.
Part 1: Scary Red
A crappy old am asked for e to buy painting at garge sale. I said yes. He gave me old Pokemon Red game. I laughed teehee. Fuck off I replied. Then I took game anyways.
I was hoe when I saw shadow in my room. It was...................... PIKCAHCU!1111
"No fucking no!" I replayed. I truned on game hoping Pikcahu would go away. Inside was something so scary I almost killed myself.
It was a dead Chamrander. "WHat the fucking fuck?" I scaremed Bailey came in and then ran away when she saw dead Charmander while she was pissing and tooting herself.
I saw explosion outside and I knew war had started.
I will fijish thid later
Partt 2: The fucking scary game.
I got my courgae up and started new game. I flt Pikcahu would kill me soon. This may be my last entry.
In the game Gary looked at me crying. "WHat the fck Red!? He was so fucking good and you fuckimg fucked fuck killed him! You motherfucker!."
Then Red got boner. I cried so fuck fucking fuck hard at that. "You left me how dare you Red? I was your best partner. COme on and defeat me on top of montain."
I pissed. What mountain was this scary abinmation talking about?
I have part 2 done now.
Part 3: I report to my Bailey and the Police
I ran out of room with Pickauu and Harold following me. Bailey was pissed.
"I was fuckijng watchthing fucking Tital Fucking Drama!" Harold looked worried and told her.
"Pikcahu has taken over the world and only Morgan can save it. He needs to go to Mt Everest to save Gary Ratcate and kill Pikcahu they have killed Charmander already." I then had idea.
"Garage sale person. He knows teh key to advice!" I stammered in pain as I felt Pickauhe cure on me. I showed tem the game.
"We ned to tell police abut quest sort of like Chiron and Prissy Johnson." Bailey came up with the next game plan.
We went to pilci office and Harold pissed on the wall to distrct the polic.
I and Biley with TJ showed the poilci and government the game. They pissed. It was so fucking scary.
"what can we do to defeat Pikcahu from killing us and war getting bigger?" Polic chief Comminsoner Gordon asked. I told them idea of old man who masterbted and sold me game for free.
"Great fucking idea!1111" TJ chimed in. So we left for old man.
Part 4: Old man
Plic broke door and let Baile, Harold, TJ and I in side so we could kidnap old man.
"I was wtahcing Total Drama whine whine whine." Old man said. I then had idea. What if Total Drama was show for good guys? We needed to get people to watch it then.
"Total Drama watch." I suggested.
"I agree." Old man said and we left. I played more scary game to see what else was in it.
I saw Dragonite fucking dead while masterbating. Gary was pissing out of his eyes. He was so fucking depressed.
"How dare you fucking kill Kayden Red. She was your bestie. Grant the sage would know. I will seek him out. Only real people can stp Pikcahu." Gary gave the prohecy. Red was in love. Sort of like Dragonball Evoloution and taht one girl who he met and killed bllies.
I turned the game off and we annouced Total Drama good t eerybody. A protest against the Pickhu army started. War was soon.
Part 5: Great War Start
Gary and Grant were waiting for us. "Thank fucking you." Grant told Gary the news and then Geido showed up.
"I will help with war." Geido said and pulled Charmander out as they fucking had sex.
With that we had three new members. Suddenly Grant started crying. He was love with Broke. "Don't not worry we won't not ave her." Geido said.
"But she is so fuck fucking fuck pretty." Grant todl s and then Presidnet Obama made speech.
"Today we have war on Pikcahu. Nevr surrende never give p." Then White House was blowed p by Pikachir commaiasy.
We took plane to Mt. Fucking Evertest where we made plan.
Part 6: Mt. Everest
I turned on teh game again and saw Gary looking at Pikcahu. "I knew it. I told you the others would be here. There Total Fucking Drama has been useful and now we will win against war"
Then Pikcahu did something scary. It become hyper realistic and then killed Persian. But Pokemon don't not die. How could tis be. I knew that this game was hauthed.
I picked up game and threw it across the plane in anger and scared. Everybody looked at me in fucking awe I had the fucking corage to do that. I saw Pickahu loking at me and I psissed we were no t safe.
There were over 111111111111111111 of them I knew we had to tem up. So we ordered Obi WOn, Buffy, Ebony, Harry, Broke, and other Total Drama. Pikcah army had Valer, Angerl, Volazemot, Sonova, and Chris with Chef.
Final battle soon guys.
Part 7: FInal Battle
We got off of pkae and Hary shot VOldemot.
"How can thou kill us." Voldemort added in. "We are the servants of Pickahu and Picahu army."
EBony and Draco made out. It was the fucking sexiest fukcin thing eva. They have so much fucking chmistry.
Obi WOn and Vader foght like cowboys but then Vader quit because he had pink dress. We knew Vader was bi anyways.
Buufy had sex with Angel befofe she fucking killed him. Lol fukcimg lol. Get ot fuck/ Angel and Buffy is oto for Andreana/
Broke gave SOoava the twiat and then Sovnoa cried and died. Grant knew Brokw was the right one.
Bailey hate Pickhu so she killed 9000 of them. "That so fcking a lot." She added in as we killed more Pikcahu.
Harold took out swora of jusitice and whakced off to it as he killed millions of Pikchua. "I knew I was the best." He said
TJ whined and and half was army was dfeated. "I knew I would be useful someday."
I saw the main Pikcahu and we fight adn I gave it some Dragnball Evolition I turned into Gorilla ankilled it and then wnet back so old mentor won't die.
Gary an Grant were left with the dragon of feeces. They shot it and burnt it aluve. Victory was urs.
"You did great deal for universe today. We will reward you will thousands." Poilci told us as we ate Pizza and I thought I was safe for once in the last twenty minutes sicne I had game.
Old man was proud that we had righted his sins. He smiled and then walked out.
Then was what you get for trying to take over teh world.
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