Roblox - Worthless

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I was on Roblox and was about to play a game i made, but it was replaced by a game called Worthless.

I decided to play it as a joke, MASSIVE MISTAKE, when i entered the game the screen was tinted a dark red, and there was holes and hills, i tried to leave but i couldnt, i pressed alt + f4 but it didnt work, i decided to play the game more. i went up to a rock ball and started to chat, i was broughtup with 4 options:

What?, Hi?,Im here and ...| i Choosed "Im here" and the rocky ball said "no one is here to help, I am Stuck in an endless hell with no escape.

This told me that we were in hell, i decided to choose hi? It said "Its worthless". I then Choosed "what?" and It said "None Is here to help"

I walked down and walked into the cave there was a dummy named "sacrifice" hanging on a noose, after i saw it, an earbleeding sound played and an image showing a mangled face that looks burned and decomposed came up and with text saying "YOU CANT ESCAPE"

The image dissapeared but the sound still played, i found another dummy with the name "GOD IS DEAD" stuffed in the ground.

Another image that showed Jesus but the eyes were empty voids and he looked decomposed, text said "YOUR EFFORTS ARE WORTHLESS"

The sound nearly gave me a heart attack and i then turned of the computer, i didnt play roblox for another 3 days, when i went on roblox, there was text saying "IT'S WORTHLESS" before i played normally, this still haunts me to thisday.

Credited to Robloxguyhi 

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