Roblox - Torture the Ragdolls

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I liked this game on roblox called "Torture the ragdolls" for a while on roblox.

I liked it because of this cage torture. You had a button and when you pressed it the cage's floor and ceiling started moving inwards on to the ragdoll and destroyed it. I went there one day and saw a guy called The Grim Reaper i asked him if he was from 05 cause he had spaces in his name. But there was not an answer. Suddenly he got this gear out. It was a staff but on top of it had a Dead Ragdoll on it with its hands out bleeding. I thought "Hey sweet gear" for 2 seconds untill he used it. The ragdoll in the cage became exactly the same as the gear but he was bleeding all over. The Grim Reaper left, and i saw why. The ragdoll threw his cage away and started violently attacking me with his arms. But when i attacked him , he simply threw me on to the floor. I zoomed in FPS mode but he latched on to me. Suddenly the screen went black, slowly filling with blood. I Quited the game and went to my place. I went in side the house and into my bedroom. I screamed. What had i seen. The same, bleeding ragdoll. And my screen went black again. But this time it was permanent.

Credited to Dswiz7 
Originally uploaded on August 14, 2010

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