Pokémon Ultra Dead Version
This is purposely bad, even though that's what you came to Trollpasta for, you FUCKING BI-let's get on with the story, shall we?
One day I had just gotten off from school and was walking past a neighborhood, when I noticed a small garage sale. There were a few tables, with various things such as a pack of actual tampons, Infamous: Second Son glow-in-the-dark condoms, an old Nintendo 3DS with the Start and B buttons missing, and a Donkey Kong lamp, among other things. However, what really caught my eye was an old Game Boy cartridge. It seemed very old and scratched, put through Hell, to say the least. Instead of an actual paper title, (what is it called? The thing on the front that shows what game it is?) the words, "Pokemon Ultra Dead Version" had been crudely and hastily written on the cartridge in black marker. Although there were many other games that were not only much better but not sketchy as fuck, I decided to ask the weird, old ass man how much the strange "Dead Version" cartridge was. The man quickly replied with, "Oh, I would not buy that one..." I asked him again, and he shook his head disapprovingly. "I'll ask you again. How much?" The man grew tired of me and said blankly, "Ten dollars." Since I always keep fifty dollars in my pocket for some reason, I handed him a ten dollar bill. He picked up the cartridge and shoved it into my hands. "Leave," The man said. "What? Why?" I replied. "Just...just leave. Now." I walked away and wondered why he wanted me to leave so quickly.
When I got home I pulled my Game Boy (which is a bit weird for me to have since I was born in 2003, but whatever) out of my desk drawer. I took out the Super Mario cartridge and inserted the Pokemon cartridge into the slot. The game started normally, but the title screen was really strange. Instead of saying Pokemon or some shit, it just said Death. Also, Gengar was standing below Death, but his eyes were hyper-realistic and were bleeding profusely. That was weird, but I decided to start the game anyway.
Written by CaptchaX
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