Phineas and Ferb Unknown Episode

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This three-part-story was originally uploaded to the Creepypasta Wiki as three different pages. Here it's uploaded as just one, with each part separated by a section heading.

Part 1

I'm a big fan of this website. The stories are often good, and when they're not scary, they're comical. What I noticed shortly after joining was a little strange. You see, as a young teenager, I am a huge fan of Phineas and Ferb. It was funny, enjoyable, and had some good songs, so when I noticed a lost episode pasta called Phineas' Suicide, I read it, and it was pretty creepy. Shortly after, however, I saw another pasta for the show, called Phineas and Ferb Lost Episode. It wasn't creepy much, but was a decent story. I thought it was weird that there were two pastas in a short time, but whatever, I thought. Two days later, however, I discovered yet another pasta, called Phineas and Ferb: Candace Changes. It was O.K, and the reaction of the creator was pretty good, but by that time, I had weird feelings of the show.

Why are these pastas coming out at the same time?

Most people would have waited until the pasta amount would get to something like 6 or 7 pastas, like Spongebob, but, hey, I'm curious. I checked the wikipedia page for the list of episodes of Phineas and Ferb, where something strange happened. There was an episode with the title, from looking at the wikipedia page again, Finiasu to fābu. I don't know why it would be called something in another language, but I think it's because it was an international episode. It was episode 47, directed by some guy named Zac Moncrief, who seemed to have directed some other episodes like "I Scream, You Scream", "It's a Mud, Mud, Mud, Mud World", and "Leave the Busting to Us".

It had no Disney Channel premiere and the production code was oddly enough 999S, which was weird considering all the other episodes had production code between 101 and 126 and the letters were always a or b. Oddly enough, when I went to the season 1 page of Phineas and Ferb had no mention of it, saying episode 47 was called "Unfair Science Fair Redux (Another Story)". Oh my god... When I just went back to the episode page, the episode was there for a couple seconds, but now it's just fading away! This is so insane... Oh my god, it's gone now, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god... Well, that was creepy, but considering the actually episode itself, it's not strange, at all. *Sighs* Anyways, back to my story, I looked at the episode, and it was kinda weird that it didn't have a Disney Channel premiere or anything. So, I searched it up, everywhere from Google, Bing, Yahoo, until I met a lone person on the Phineas and Ferb Wiki who saw the episode on T.V. Her username was Sarah94, and she had a blog post on the website, saying she was, and I quote, "Extremely freaked the *Cuss* out", and "Why the *Cuss* would they air something like that?" and also "What the hell were they thinking?".

When I saw the blog post, If finally knew someone who watched it, but when I asked her about it, she said it was "To *Cuss* creepy". I tried to get it out of her several times, until she finally admitted she watched the episode. She didn't guarantee that it was called the name it (Formerly) had on Wikipedia, she just said it was some "Weird Japanese Name". I got her to explain the plot as well, but she said she couldn't explain it all as she never watched it all. Here is her explanation that I typed down while talking to her online.

It's not very descriptive, but I never saw the episode, so why should I complain? "I was just looking through some channels are I saw this on Disney. I turned it on, and after a few commercials, it started. It was weird foreign text over black space. Than, another title went up, also foreign. It then showed the family on a passenger plane, which at that point I thought this was the Hawaiian episode where the family visits Hawaii. But, there was only music playing. No sound, just music. It was like the Titanic theme, but darker and not as good quality. After that, I could not believe it, the airplane caught fire from the inside! It was the scariest *Cuss* I've ever seen in my life. It showed the bodies of the family, as well as other families, burning. It didn't show the bodies being burned, it just showed the bodies disappear among the flames. You heard screaming, as the song had stopped, and it sounded weak and in peril. The scene cut to the pilot dead, with no fire in the cockpit for some reason, and then it showed a first glimpse of the ground, which was not very far away. Than, the screen went black as you heard the horrible sounds of the airplane crash and some faint screams.

It then cut to someones hand horribly burnt, but it did not show the rest of the body, and a blade of glass that was burning landed into the hand. There was a faint sounds of burning while a horribly depressing song was playing. With that, there was some more foreign text in a romantic, yet tragic font. Than, the screen went black for a couple seconds, and than more foreign text. It was about 5 minutes in, and I was already shocked. I thought How could they do something to Phineas and Ferb like this? But, I pressed through. The next cut had Ferb, looking at the camera, with his entire face in view, holding a knife. That lasted for ten seconds, and I thought I was having a nightmare and I wouldn't wake up. He went over to Phineas' bed. I closed my eyes, but I heard a muffled scream. Then, I heard some rock song. It sounded violent, but it was Japanese. I opened my eyes just to see Ferb walk into Candaces room. Candace was on the phone, but since the rock song was on, I couldn't hear a word she said. She turned around, but it was to late. I wanted to close my eyes, but I needed to see it to believe it.

She was stabbed in the chest, and Ferbs rose the knife up Candaces neck, and he was basically cutting her open. I started crying in fear. Ferb than turned around and went back in his room. He put his blood drawn knife on his bed and looked under his bed to find a pistol. He went into his parents room, and woke them up, mouthing one of the lyrics in the song. The parents woke up, only to be shot violently in the mouth. Ferb then went back in his room for a second time and sat on his bed, where you can notice Phineas' body, with blood covering all below the mouth, and right before the screen went to black, you heard the only English lyrics in the entire song, Can You Feel The Pain? I turned off the T.V, not bother to watch the rest, even though it was only 10 or 12 minutes into the episode. I only watched Phineas and Ferb once since I watched that episode. It was the Roller coaster episode, and I couldn't get those horrible images from the other episode out of my mind." That's what she had to say. She didn't have any evidence of the episode whatsoever, and even though I searched the internet countless times, I couldn't find the entire episode, any proof of the episode, anyone else who watched that episode, and any new about the episode. I told other people of what happened and they often said the girl was insane or she was lying. But I saw the episode on Wikipedia myself! Does that mean I'm insane?... Wow, maybe it's so. Maybe I had a dream and the girl was just lying to get attention. Maybe I might have thought it to be there, but it was just my imagination. Maybe this whole story is... a lie.

Part 2

I would make this as an edit to part 1, but since this is very much different then the first story, and since it would gain more popularity, I made it it's own pasta. Enjoy!


Well, I did more research. Turns out, I'm not insane. The episode IS real, and because I found a person on the Internet who watched the entire episode, and explained it to me. According to him/her, the episode was seperated among four different stories. It was the introducer to the Japanese crowd according to his/her research, but was hacked by some other person.

This person didn't give me his/her name, gender, age, nothing. I asked him/her about the first two stories, the plane crash and Ferbs massacre (My personal names as I don't know any Japanese, so I didn't understand the title cards). He/She confirmed those two episodes and said that the real episode that was supposed to be made before being edited into the unknown episode, was about the family actually visiting Japan, with only one original voice actor: Richard O'Brian, the voice of the dad. I'll call the person "Greg". This is Greg's explanation: "The episode was a four parter, showing death in four different ways: Technical Tragedy (Plane Crash), Murder (Ferb's Massacre), Natural Tragedy, and finally, Suicide. Each segment lasted about 5 minutes and it often involved music playing. I'm a fan of horror, so while watching the first two parts of the episode (Mentioned in part 1), I decided to continue on, all the while searching up the episode on my trusty IPod Touch. The episode was on the list of episodes, the date was around Feburary, 2011, but if you search it up now, it's not going to show up, which is a pain.

Anyways, I learned a little more about the episode by looking through the Internet, but I had to go through hundreds of pages before hand. All the information I had told you was based on several of the creators, animators, and, that's right, some of the people who actually edited the episode to what it is today. They didn't give to much away, as they are wanted in Japan for intellectual torture of minors (The episode was THAT bad). They were the ones who said the episode was based on deaths. They didn't reveal why they did it, or how, but I guess that's a totally different story. Back to the episode, part 3 started the same ways as they others started, with the white text over the black backround, and in Japanese. The episode, suprisingly, started normally, with the regular music, color, everything. The audio completly stopped after the regular intro music though. You could see Phineas and Ferb talking, but with no audio, I'm guessing about what they wanted to do that day, as they usually do. What I found weird though was the entire family died in the first part, and everyone except Ferb died in the second. So, it's obvious there's no continous story going on between these secions. It's pretty normal though, except the no audio, but than it takes a turn for the worst as Ferb seems to point away from the screen, which on the other side, has a Tornado fast approaching the house.

You see Phineas and Ferb run towards a storm shelter in the ground (Which never appeared before or after this episode) and while they run past the driveway, you see Candace and the parents run too. Perry is no where to be seen. Candace then outruns everyone, as the tornado seemingly grows closer. Candace than enters the shelter, and locks the doors, leaving the rest of the family. You see while Candace is closing the doors, you see as the camera is in the shelter, Phineas almost enter the shelter, but Candace closes it just in time. Let me take a moment to say the amination is quite amazing, looked HD. You see the trailer for the new Phineas and Ferb movie? Yeah, the animation's like that, except better. The rest of the camera angles are in the shelter, with sounds heard of the storm brewing and screams from the family, which is the first sound of the section. Candace holds the doors closed and somehow, she opens the door after a few seconds, and the wind has died down a lot, and she walks over to her house, now completly wrecked.

The episode finally ends there. To tell you the truth, that was one of my favorite Phineas and Ferb episodes, even though that section was only 5 minutes long. It wasn't as violent as the first two, but you felt tragedy. The first two were lifeless and cruel. The third was, in my opinion, brilliant. Call me crazy, but if that was a short movie, it be in the top 50, no doubt. Finally, we come to part 4, which, let me tell you, is extremely vague. The regular Japanese text appears, followed by a photo of Candaces face, which lasts a few seconds, and then somewhat realistic blood runs down her left eye. It then cuts to Phineas and Ferb sitting below there usual tree, with extremly quiet audio, but the audio is existant. They're just sitting down, with the music playing extremely quietly, and nothing really happens that much at first. It's just Phineas lying down on the tree and Ferb looking at him anxiously, like he was expecting him to do something.

Then, the mom comes out of the house while the camera is panned toward the door, and she screams something that's very hard to make out, as it's so quiet. It cuts to Phineas and Ferb running toward the house, very quickly and hastlily. It then cuts to the same picture of Candace as before, as what looks like some sort of gun in the hand. Just before it comes in full view, it cuts to a video of Phineas, carrying Candace's lifeless body into the woods. He's wearing different clothing and has a sense of depression in his eyes, but contentment. He also has a shovel right below Candace, which is only in view when he put's Candace down. He digs a hole, but instead of showing the hole digging, it just slowly cuts into when he's done. He throws Candaces body into the hole and just when he's about to fill it up, a siren is heard. Phineas runs away, but the camera angle is fixed near the hole.

The siren was either an ambulance or police, but I'm guessing police as Phineas had ran away. The episode has some Japanese text, which I quickly wrote down as I had paper on stand by while watching the episode. It said: Death is a part of life, but violence shouldn't be - Creator. The episode then ends there. It wasn't very brutal, but it still didn't deserve to air. None of this did, even if I did like a part of it. Luckily, little to no children saw it that day. It's unknown how the episode made it pass censorship." Ladies and gentleman, I have now found out the entire episode and it's past. I have no proof. I have never seen this episode, but if YOU do, check out my account, which I'll sign this story so you know it. If you have a chance, don't watch the episode. I certainly wont, but just please give me a link or screencaps, definitly screencaps, any proof would be great. Thanks for reading my story, comment, check out part one, and PLEASE find links, screencaps, anything. It would help.

Part 3

Look, I know 3 parts is a little much, but this is a different topic, so it'll just be a sequel, but no other sequels will come out, or edits, so what you see is what you get.


Really, I thought a 4 part series in a half an hour episode was hard enough to deal with, but turns out, there are two stories I have to tell you today, both involving that horrible episode.

Firstly, the creators of the episode were caught, which was annouced on the news, with screen caps of the episode, as they wouldn't show the whole thing. Disney had reported the people who hacked the episode, replacing it with the episode you learned about in the two parts before this. They're expecting 20 years in jail. Secondly, the person from part 2 had found out something new about the episode itself. The person said this: "Hey again. Remember me? I'm the person who told you about the Phineas and Ferb episode. Well, recently on the news, they announced news of the episode, as well as the creators being caught. If you watched it, you would have seen some screencaps. Well, I got all the screencaps on my computer, and one of them has something strange in it. It's the screencap of Candace about to close the storm shelter door on Phineas.

I looked at it and noticed Phineas had completely black eyes. No colour at all. I'll get more info soon, K?". Two days later, he written back. "More picture's are released, including a short video with Candace and the blood on her, but me and several youtubers also notice that, again, Candace's eyes were black on the last frame. Maybe this is supposed to represent death? Who knows, talk to ya later". The only other thing in the message was the link to the picture and video. I can't really find the picture or the video anymore, but I'm almost certain they never got deleted, as they're still the topic of discussion over where I live.

I haven't gotten a message from that person in about a week, but I think I should end my search right here and call it quits. Wow, to think this all started with three CreepyPasta's, and it's gotten me so far. I haven't watched the episode, nor do I think I will.I know every piece of info, every last detail, so it's time to end it here. Thanks to the girl from part 1, as well as the person from this and part 2 for helping me out, and I have just discovered an actual lost episode, no jokes, no lies! Unfortunatly, I think my friend will get caught. Why you may ask? In part 2, he/she actually got a small interview with the creator of the episode, which is kinda like having a friendly conversation with Bin Laden, he might get in trouble for it. Thank god it's anonymous.

Luckily, I have just been chilling in the backround, learning about every second of the episode, so it's near impossible for me to be breaking the law. So yeah, it just show's what hard work can accomplish, but please, if you have the full episode, watch it if you don't mind a scare or two.

Credited to MovieReviews98

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