Pet Sitter Patrixxx
Hey, you know that Season 8 Spongebob episode "Pet Sitter Pat"? Y'know, the one where Spongebob gets Patrick to take care of Gary while he's at his grandma's? It's commonly regarded as one of the worst episodes of the series due to the cruelty and abuse forced upon Gary. Well, believe it or not, that wasn't the original story for the episode...
I was an intern at Nickelodeon studios when the episode was in production. When the episode was nearly complete, I was sent in to view it with some other fellow interns and some employees. The intro played as normal, with Painty the Pirate saying his usual lines, getting the same response. That was until the actual music began, as when we got to the point where the hand appears to give Spongebob his square pants, the hand instead flew in with a knife and then started to violently stab Spongebob, spraying Spongebob's hyperrealistic blood everywhere and it was really violent and scary for an innocent kids show like Spongebob. We were confused when this happened, but we shrugged it off as a tasteless joke from the lead animators. The episode title card said "Pet Sitter Patrixxx" instead of Pet Sitter Pat. "Meh, probably just a typo..." one of the employees stated, but I knew better.
I was really fuxxxing scared because, unlike any of these employees, I knew who this "Patrixxx", or should I say, PATRIXXX (IN ALL CAPS LIKE THIS), was. I once worshiped him, along with SPONGEBOXXX, with all my heart. that was until the inevitable day he 360 Quickscoped me on Halo of duty fortress 69 for the 420Blazeitbox. As an act of rebellion against PATRIXXX, I began worshiping EVIL PATRIXXX. And now I think he is coming to get his revenge on me... for abandoning him...
The episode started as normal, Spongebob asked Squidward if he could take care of Gary, but Squidward refused, as normal. Then Spongebob went to see Patrick. Spongebob asked Patrick to take care of Gary as normal, Patrick accepts as normal.
When Patrick arrived to take care of Gary, and after Spongebob left, Patrick turned into PATRIXXX! This is when the employees started to notice something wrong with the episode. "What... is this... Hyperrealistic version of Patrick star doing in our show?" and then PATRIXXX went into the other room, only to find EVIL PATRIXXX chasing down Gary with a flamethrower! Then PATRIXXX was really angry so he fired his LAZORXXX at EVIL PATRIXXX, but EVIL PATRIXXX used his epic haxxxor ninja skills to dodge the LAZORXXX, and EVIL PATRIXXX shot his EVIL LAZORXXX at PATRIXXX and it hit him right in the painis and he said "OWOWOWOWOW" and then EVIL PATRIXXX used Gore Fest on PATRIXXX and killed him, spraying Hyperrealistic blood everywhere!
LOLOLOL JUST FUXXXING KIDDING U GUIZE YOU CAN'T KILL PATRIXXX!!!!!! PATRIXXX got up and charged up his MIND **** BALL OF MASS DESTRUCTION so he could fire it at EVIL PATRIXXX but EVIL PATRIXXX fired his ULTRA MECHA DEATH SATAN TACO EXTREME APOCALYPSE LASER at PATRIXXX right as PATRIXXX fired his MIND **** BALL OF MASS DESTRUCTION at EVIL PATRIXXX and they both hit eachother at the same time and Bikini Bottom blew up, except the explosion was hyperrealistic! Then we got a picture of Gary but he was covered in blood and black eyes and blood dripping from eyes and then Gary started crying and then he got out a shotgun and killed himself, spraying even more Hyperrealistic blood everywhere!
We were all really scared and we all threw up on the floor because the hyperrealistic blood made us all nauseous and then a skeleton popped out and killed us! The skeleton was sent by EVIL PATRIXXX who then used his MIND **** BALL OF MASS DESTRUCTION to destroy Nickelodeon studios but in my universe there is 3 Nickelodeon Studios' so there is no evidence of this happening because EVIL PATRIXXX destroyed it but this really did happen OK???!?!!!?!
Oh, and also some unimportant shit about you being next or something...
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