Patick kill
I never foget what I saw that day. it was very scaryy, I'm writing th is from a metal a silum because my parents ink I'm crazy and he coming for me I know t.
to days ago, I was walking by the stret at night, when suddenly a back figure appeared out of nowhere and speak to me: "ello kid, do you want a scary tapeh that contains a lot episode of spongbob?" i wah scared, but I said yes to the man. he give me the tape and when I tun back, he disapeare. stranged, i wet back ome and pot the tape in my tv. i was alone becauseh my parent were on a busines trip. i sit on the sofa and play the tape to wah the loste episode of spungbob.
at the eri start the intro wah weirde: the music in reverse and disorted, ere was hperrilistic blud aevreywhareand cris of chaildren screaming of agoni. i was eri scard and chock, no spongbib episode stated lik this. then, the taitle apeared: patick kill. stange, that title eft me confosed: why ih tha word kail in ai chaildrens chow? in thi end, i ddn't think much bout it and kep watching vaideo.
the epsode started with patick washing taibi, but the tivi wah pur static and patik had very rilistic is with blud upils. it was lik this fo aif inutes until patik say: i kill everione nou, hahaha. he grabe a knif and exit the rock and went to spongbub pinaple house. he knock the door an said with very dep voice: "spongbab, can u come out? i have surprise for u!!!" after a few second, spngebab went otside nd said: "ey patik! what u want to show me?" then, with a very hipirialisic grin he stated laughing and stabing spong on shest muliple times. he scream of very rilistic pain until it dieded on the floor. thatz scene was so socking!!!! i coldn't vlieve pasick would do such sching!!!! parick conitued lazghing and esxited tha haouse.
"now is time to kill sume quid", said patick in kquidwark door house. e knock once gain and quimquard open da house door. "it you again patick, what u want now???? i'm tring to play the carinet.", said luigquard angirly."noting witkward, im just ungry for quid", said marick with crepy voice and smil e on face. he then proced to stab quadward on face, skreaming of pain with guts fling everywhare until he also dieded on floor. that scene scared me much and wanted to shut taivi, but didn't let do. smashed the teivei with a hammer but was undestrucatible.
after killing spainkibabo and squilwart, the screen blacked for tent seconds and then a muntatge of patick kiling fish stated plaing. everytime thei wer stab, they scream very real and let lot of blod on floor. it was to rilistic and bludy fur me, so i poked on the floh thee times. it is like this util thei weh all did, and matrik stared to me and said it a vaery scaery and dep voise: "u ar next, hahahaha."
then te teve melted and xploded in bits, i was ery scaird and ervous and cri on floor. but then, a oice ne to me sai: ood naight mortal, hahahahahahahahah. he stab me, and i bled on floor, but brother came in and torned ainto chaggy and began to aigh aevil patick. intense fit, but mah boter won him and befo he die, he said: "this not end, hahahahahah." then i fainted.
i woke up in a hopital and parents ere sade. i tol em evewrithing and they think i crazy so they put me in asilum. now ever time i turn, i see patick face with bod in face. i know he kill me so i kill me now to ed suffiring, bye.
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