Oh meh god!It sanic.jpeg!1!1!1
So,di am da big est sonic fane.One tim,i was at de comic stor and i walk up to man at desc.I ask fore new soni gam,which was son ic manias at di tim.He wen pale ant wen over to back and grab a usb driv.He told me to took it so i took it and left.I went to house and sat at de computer.I look at da driv and said to mysel "Ima put driv in."I said to meself.I slap driv in com and opend files.den,my computar started to flesh and scream.It gas berry spoppy.I cried.All da tears mad my room fuul of salty wa wa.I drank up da salty wa wa and Turned com back in.What happend made me drow up.A scary gimage mof da meme character sanic da hedge apered on de scren with hypor realistick eyes.He looke at me and saidn h e will kill my soul.I screamed.He opend a rom bof son ick 2:electrick balogolou.But it was not caled son ick 2:electrick balogolou.It was called Sanic.jpeg 2:Quandale dinge retun.I poo pooed myself butt kep playg.I started playong as tlls,da meme talls.I wan awound and saw sanic,stonding and smecking weed.He turned awound and jumscawed me witd gis hypor realistick eyes.He said dat he wanted to pley hangy birds spoce wid meh.But me said neh.He fwoned and said dat we would pley any wey.Hangly bebs started and i was spuper sced.I killed ball da pigs and sanic smilled.He dead dat Well would gah beck too de game.We went teh de game and I wes tlls agen.I wan ayound and gut onion rangs.Every tim i grbed a rang,shreck aske whet My wag doin in his swamp.It was sclarry.My mem wag stell at wark so oh neh.Anywey,sanic find me and licked tlls to deth.He ate bis body and said he liked tll.I tred to tarn da gem off butt it woulg net worjk.He den killed de oders,but i don;t went too bore yee.At da end.Sanic wag talkimg abot deth and stuff and jumpscared meh.I thriw up on meh screen.I cried for meh dad,but ge was stil geding da malk.I grebed me competr and threw it out die wandow.It brike.I skilded oger to de broke computar and ate da usb driv.I went to de comic store to eat da clark too,but he was alrody ded!!! dun dun dun.Yeb,dat was da twist dingy.Anywo,I was loking at da scene of de crim,and heard da door clos.I loked behend meh and saw a blody sanic plush wid a giand chensaw.He laghed and i died.De end
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