My Poop Defeats Me

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So I was eating a hamburger while watching the Simpsons season 7 episode 4 and went to toilet to poop.

Later, I was about to flush it and I heard a "shhh" and whispers.

"Please don't."

"Help Us."

"Get rekt dumbass."

When I heard that I flushed it. All of the sudden a meteorite fell besides me and my uncle was dead.

Anyway, in the meteorite comes out an alien named Bob. How do I know that? Well, he was stupid and killed me. But I lived.

I woke up on my coffin and smashed it with all my power even though I was... already outside the coffin. Then I saw many corpse thingies in the church and a big poop.

"We are yours dumbass!"

"You flushed us!"

"Kill HIM!"

"Not now!'

"lmao when is 2.2 coming out?


Then I ran but fell on my grandfather. He told me to ran away. Then, he took out a pistolette and shot the poop alien. He died (my grandfather I mean). Then I see Bob. I eat his feat and feed his foot and came outside. Everyone in the city was dead.

Then I died because my poop choked me.

The end.

Credited to Greekui9ii 

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