Minecraft - lostworld

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Finding lostworld.

One day in Minecraft, I decided to spawn a new world. I named it My World, with no seed. I spawned in a grassy field. Strange thing was, it was night. I wandered the forest until I came across a grave. It was made of stone. There was a sign on the grave saying, 'he is no longer with us.' At the bottom it said, Herobrine. This creeped me out. I noticed that there was a long staircase going down behind the grave. I decided to go in.

The Portal To Hell.

I reached the end of the staircase to find a long, dark hallway. The walls were made of netherrack and mossy cobblestone. I walked down the long passageway to discover a door. I opened the door and found a portal to the nether. I look around and find a chest. In it was wool spelling out the word Hero. There is another chest that says Brin. Then another that had an 'E' drawn with lava. I spelled the clues out. HEROBRINE. I walked into the Nether Portal. In the Nether, it was a flat map. No lava, no ghasts, just netherrack spread across. No ceiling. It was clear as day. I went back into the portal and spawned in a cave somewhere. There was a sign. It read, DEADDEADDEADDEADDEADDEADDEADDEADDEADDEADDEADDEAD. I went up the cave and realized it was close to the surface. I climbed out of the cave.


It was day. The pigs were oinking, cows were mooing. Everything was normal. Until I noticed a pathway leading to a forest. I walked down the pathway, and It lead to me to THE SAME GRAVE. I went down the staircase, only to find no Portal. To find a painting, showing a dead Minecraft Character hanging from a tree. Blood was everywhere. I noticed Herobrine in the distance. I destroyed the picture, and behind the picture was door. I opened it. It lead to me to a sign saying, YOUSHOULDNTOFDONETHAT.

Credited to YoureNotPerfect

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