Magic Death: The Remake

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Note: This is a remake of my first Spongebob creepypasta called "Spongebob Lost Episode"

Note 2: This remake is a sequel to, "Mistaken- Spongebob Lost Episode" and, "Dumped (Alternate Episode)"

Okay, so, a few weeks ago, I watched another lost episode of Spongebob. I decided to buy a dvd called, "Spongebob Lost Episode Package". Once it actually arrived, I decided to put it in my dvd player. Then, the menu showed up. I had two episodes to pick from. Spacebob Invaderpants, and this unnamed episode. I clicked on the unmamed episode and it began. It started with the title card, no intro, for some reason. The title was: "Magic Death". There was no music, just faint static noises.

Then, the episode began. It started with Sandy relaxing in her treedome, like in that one (somewhat?) recent episode of her doing an experiment on Spongebob and Patrick. But anyways, she hears her doorbell ring. She puts on her outfit for when she's out of her treedome and sees a magic wand just lying on the ground. She got curious and decided to show it to Spongebob, Patrick, and Squidward. Then it cut to Spongebob, Patrick, and Squidward's backyards. Sandy ran to Spongebob and told him that there was a magic wand she found and then Spongebob told Squidward and Patrick about it and he said they should come to the front of his house. So that's what they did. Spongebob then said, "Kill Mr. Krabs!" which confused me. Then it cut to Mr. Krabs in his office. Mr. Krabs all of a sudden just started coughing up blood and he died of choking on his own blood, and his death was caused by Spongebob. Then Sandy had a look of shock on her face. Then Spongebob told the magic wand to summon a machine gun and then he shot up Sandy. Then Patrick got scared and told Spongebob to stop. Spongebob gave Patrick a glare and proceeded to summon a kitchen knife using the magic wand. Then Spongebob sliced off Squidward's head. After that, Spongebob was about to kill Patrick when I turned off my DVD Player and TV.

I ejected the disc out of the DVD player and smashed the DVD with a hammer. Then, I threw out the broken DVD. I'm much more cautious these days, as I don't trust what seems to good to be true.

Credited to BruhTheGod1283
Originally uploaded on September 25, 2022

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