Kirby & the Amazing Horror
One day, Playing with my GBA from the PC, I noticed that my kirby game (The amazing mirror) was missing, I asked my brother if he still deleted it, he said yes, then I went to download it, I do not remember the link of the page, but it seemed normal.
I downloaded it, when I started the game as always, I had the beginning, the opening and that, when I was going to click on the "enter" key, I got the Kirby logo, very ugly, it said "Kirby the amazing horror" that in Spanish would be "Kirby y el maravilloso horror" the background went macabre, Kirby came out with the sword Galaxia (the Metal Knight) stabbing the other kirbys of other colors on a black background where the floor was blood red... This scared me, but I kept playing.
but that was one of my mistakes, starting the game like any other, but seeing that Kirby did not have the other kirbys left me scared, Kirby instead of swallowing the enemies killed them sadistically and abnormally as a psychopath Kirby grabbed the sword and the embedded in the head, began to throw blood as if it were a source, to see it that way, terrify me as every fan of kirby would do to see it that way.
Then I turned off the PC, to turn it on, I left the game of GBA already opened, I played and everything was normal, until I arrive with the first boss, which would be the one in zone 2, Kirby raised the sword and crossed it to boss 2 (which was a rock tree) ...The tree vomited blood, Kirby goes crazy and starts flying across the screen, the music was gloomy as if it had dying voices in the song moaning and crying pity... Kirby died and the game was closed, when I saw in the wallpaper of my PC, it said "Thanks for Playing" and in the background I was Kirby smiling macabre mind... since then I do not play or download games with hack, and in the end I deleted the game and the background never changed, I could not, in short, it was a terrifying experience that I do not want to have again.
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