Killer Fidget Spinner
I like fidget spinners. Actually, I love them. I've spent at least 2 billion dollars on them. But there was one incident that made me never spin a spinner for two days straight. Don't read this if you don't want to be plagued with nightmares for the rest of your life. I sure do hope you never have to endure something like I had.
A few months ago, I was calmly spinning my fidget spinner while staring at my computer screen. I was on a Wikia chat with a number of my friends. A new user, only joined a few days ago, suddenly PM'd me a link. It was on EBAY. I was brought to a page with a fidget spinner for only 0 dollars. "A free fidget spinner? This is legit!" I said. I bought it, and it said that it was going to come in 10 minutes. 10 minutes? That's in a couple hours! I tried to address if this was a good idea, but I don't think a fidget spinner can do too much harm!
A few hours later, I heard a ring from my front porch. This must be the delivery man, I thought. I opened the door, and... nobody was there. The package was, though. I took the package, and opened it. I was greeted with a black and red fidget spinner. A little creepy... But hey! It works! I sat spinning the fidget spinner, but I felt... uneasy. I sat next to my armadillo dakimakura and placed it down...and may I warn you, it all went downhill from there...
Suddenly, the lights came off! I ran to turn them back up, but it wouldn't budge. I kept hearing a loud whirring noise, until I checked the armadillo pillow. The spinner was spinning on it's own! It suddenly flew up in the air and sliced all of my naked armadillo plushes' heads off! "Help!", I cried. Just as I was talking, I heard a deep voice. "PREPARE TO DIE. YOU HAVE NOWHERE TO RUN." Then, the spinner began chasing me! It crushed all of my armadillo lights... it took a fortune to buy those! Then, it sliced RIGHT THROUGH my clothes. I had a giant red stain on my back. My Ultimate Supreme Armadillo Underwear was showing. I don't know if I should've felt embarrassed, or scared, or both.
I ran upstairs and locked myself in the bathroom. I kept hearing the voice.. "YOUR DAY IS OVER, KID." I don't know what to expect. So, I barged into the wall. I was in intense pain, but I still managed to break through because I used a hammer right afterwards. I fell out of my 6th floor, down to the ground. My body wanted to give up on itself. But I kept running. The spinner was still chasing me, and it was shooting death lasers out of its bearings! "Ahh! Help me someone!" I yelled. The spinner replied back with, "NOBODY IS HERE TO HELP YOU." I collapsed on the floor. I knew I couldn't run. There was no way I would survive.
Then the spinner got crushed by a falling satellite.
I hope you're still reading this instead of crying in a corner. No human should have had to suffer what I had. But, if you look deep inside, there is a hidden moral about this story.
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