July 4th, 1998
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On the night of July 4th, 1998, a chaotic event happened, where everyone was—weird.
It all started at 10:04pm, and in the town of New Orleans, Louisiana, everyone was in bed, until a weird things begin to happen. Everyone begin to receive phone calls from a unknown person, and when they answer the phone, all they can hear, is a piercing, loud mysterious song that would play so loud, that the phone begins to stop working. Then around 10:30pm, people got scared when they discovered their TV's was turned on, even if the remote was not by them. And then, the channels begins to change by itself, like it was hacked, and the channewill stop at Channel 19. On Channel 19, it will just be a black screen, and you will hear nothing for about 30 seconds, then out of nowhere, THE SAME SONG THAT PLAYED ON EVERYONE'S TELEPHONES WILL APPEAR ON SCREEN, and everyone was about to run, until everyone went quiet. They stood still, quietly repeating the phrase, "the faces of caver" over and over again.
Now, it only infected adults, but not children, but the saddest part about it, is that the children had to suffer, watching these people and their parents, doing extreme things to themselves.
Now, once everyone was in a trance, everyone walked outside, in a slow fashion, and striped naked. The children was confused, and decided to look what was happening, and they saw the people, butt-naked. Then, all of the adults begin to scream, like something was stabbing them 47,098,890 times. Then after, they walked to the road, going in a single-file line. They walk in their houses, as the children begin crying. They grabbed a handgun, as Channel 19 switches into a distorted version of the American Flag, playing the National Anthem. The adults turn on their volumes to 100, then walk out of their houses, going in a single-file line again.
One by one, they shoot themselves in the head, smiling, while whispering "the faces of caver". The children is in full fright. One kid named Jay was crying, and ran back in the house. He tried to call 9-1-1, but when they answered, he heard gunshots. Everywhere.
Jay ran back outside, seeing a very, long line of naked adults, smiling, and shooting themselves in the head. Jay screamed to his mother, and ran back inside, going to his parent's bedroom. He sees his mother, cutting herself open with a knife. As she cuts herself open, her intestines fall on the ground, and all of her organs just fall out as well. So, Jay ran to her oldest sister's room, Jaya, and he sees her. cutting herself from her vagina, to her head. Jay knew he was gonna to need maximum therapy.
Jay runs out of his house, and just see people, shooting themselves, and all of the kids just starts running with Jay, fully petrified. All Jay can hear, was just gunshots.
Once the event was over, Jay and the kids heard nothing. Just silence, crying, and distress.
When Jay turned 24, he described the event as a "a night of unspeakable terror." But he found out, that a secret agency called "Cavers", was hacking the televisions, calling everyone in New Orleans, making them hear the hypnotic song, and causing the huge mass suicide. The kids are now terrified to go back to Louisiana, but the Cavers is deciding to do it to everyone in the UNITED STATES.
Credited to Welovecreepystories
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