Ice Man.ROM (AKA the 7th Symphony of ice-induced massacre)
this story is a year old by now. i wrote it for the Crappypasta wiki lol. it had slurs but i edited them out. THIS IS THE ORIGINAL VERSION BUT SLIGHTLY EDITED! A REWRITE MIGHT BE MADE SOMETIME THOUGH!
Hi, my name is Cornelius Hasoro'th the 7th, but you can call me Con for short. JK my name is Claire. I like Mega Man.
So yeah i was bored, so i decided to download a Mega Man 1 ROM hack or something, because if i didn't this totally real story wouldn't have happened why not? I really like Mega Man. Like, I really like Mega Man. All I draw is Mega Man fanart. Literally. I rethink my life....WHOOPTY DO ANYWAYS I downloaded a spicy rom and it looked normal at first. Just some rom that was supposed to make the jumps easier without Magnet Beam. Normal, right? NOT IF YOU READ THIS STORY, PLEASE READ THIS STORY FIRST; so, i booted up the game and went to Ice Man's stage because screw that level. I killed a thing and jumped over a thing and did a thing again. I got to the part where i just say 'fuck it' and use the Magnet Beam but now i gotta rom so let us s e e. I jumped s o h i g h that i could almost feel God's holy light on my synthetic face. It was awesome. I reached the other side and continued my murderous rampage. But the weird thing was, now when i killed enemies, they SCREAMED and BLED. BLED! HYPER-FUCKIN-REALISTIC TOO. ROBOTS DONT BLEED BLOOD. (well, ignoring the X series, because that wasnt even real blood anyway). OH MAH GOD. THIS TOTALLY WAS NOT JUST THE ROM MAKER DOING IT FOR FUN, THATS IMPOSSIBLE. IT HAS TO BE POSSESD OAR SOMETHING!!! I was so spooked and scared. Maybe I could kill myself after this, it was so spooky! It was a treacherous walk. I got to the boss room, because i am a god at gaming. I walked in, but when Ice Man was supposed to appear, the room went black and red! THEN two blue dots appeared in the darkness. The light turned on and Rock was laying down like he was dead, but he wasn't, he was just stunned i think. BUT THERE WAS HYPER REALISTIC BLOOD ON THE WALL!!!1! Standing there, in the room, was a desaturated Ice Man with BLACK eyes and blue pupils. I pointed at the screen and yelled 'OH MY GOD ITS SANS!' as a joke but i was scared. Ice TURNED TO ME, LIKE HE HEARED ME! AND HE SAID: '...MY NAMES NOT SANS IDIOT! I AM DEATH ITSELF!' and he disappeared. When he did Rock got up and looked around, confused. I was also confused. It sent me back to the select screen, but EVERYONE WAS MANGLED AND BLOODY except Ice Man. I chose Cut Man's stage because its the easiest and also Cut Man is my husbando. I walked and walked, but nothing was there, and also the sky was red, like a forest fire happened. Also BLOOD EVERYWHERE. Ok so I walked and then the SONIC DROWNING THEME STARTED PLAYING. WTFRICK? As i walked 500 miles the enemies started appearing DEAD AND MAGLED AND BLOODY LIKE SONIC EXE. and also the song was reversed now. SCARY AND SPOOKY O NO! I got to the boss room and Cut Man was on his knees. Seeing my waifu like that made me super sad, but MAD at Ice for doing that. He looked at Mega Man and said 'Rock...i dont feel the greatest right now.'
He looked at me and said: 'My time is getting closer. I'm going to have to leave you all soon. I love you, Claire.' before he fell over and D E D. *heavy breathing* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! ICE WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
WA R ! !
I stormed out of the boss room before being sent to the select screen again. Next i was gonna do Elec Man although i didnt actually grab the Rolling Cutter, i was too pissed. fuck.
I went in and was like 'oh yeah, maybe there wont be any enemies'. WRONG. A bunch of scary enemys with no eyes, covered in blood, swarmed me! Totally not like NES Godzilla! I nearly diead but i used my epic gamer girl skills. Bathwater will cost you $30. After everybody was dead i went to the boss room. 'SHOW URSELF ELECTRIC EEL MA N' i yelled. Elec Man appeared and started attacking me for some reason. Ah shit here we go- I did a backflip and landed behind him and kicked him down. I would've made a Sparta joke but thats a real old meme. 'Bruh why did u do that; i asked. 'I was just afraid Ice Man was gonna attack me again if i didn't...!' Elec responded. ' you were blackmailed.' 'I mean, kinda?' OUTTA NOWHERE THE SMOL EVIL ICE CHILD JUST APPEARED AND SAID: 'Aha, so you figured me out. Well, you failed, I don't need you anymore.' and ELEC JUST FUCKIN DISSAPERED. LIKE WHAT? HOW? DOES THIS BITCH HAVE THE INFINITY GAUNTLET OR SOMETHIN? ACK-
'And I'll figure out what to do with you.' he said before warping away. What an edgy prick. I MEAN I was so spooked IT WAS SO SCARY. I was brought to the screen again but i actually got the item this time. Oh yeah also i didnt get them magnet beam because remember thats what the whole rom was about remember? So i wentith to Bomb Man's stage because order is overrated and also Ice is like a edgy god right now so i cant really fight him just yet. I was yet again greeted by no enemies. Maybe Elec's stage is just such a bitch he just had to have a bunch of enemies. Take a drink every time i've said enemies, actually, you would die, don't. Anyways I met up with Bomb Man, but he was surrounded by a circle of flames and they were CLOSING IN ON HIM OH NO. He said 'ROCK, HELP!' but I couldn't move Mega Man at all. The fire reached him and he burned and screamed. Then he exploded. Because he's Bomb Man. Also HYPER REALISTIC BLOOD EVERYWHERE. The blood splashed on Rock and he looked absolutely horrified. Ice, that bitch I MEAN the scary af demon, appeared again and said 'What's wrong? You kill robots nearly every day anyways! Besides, a little blood never hurt anyone.' Wow, cocky. 'Yeah, but they don't BLEED and SCREAM! NEITHER DO PIANOS.' I yelled. He turned to me and said '...was that a Llamas With Hats reference?' I WAS QUITE SURPRISED THAT HE KNEW LLAMAS WITH HATS *cough cough* (that totally didn't happen because that's not scary, remember?) OH RIGHT ssshhhh)...ANYWAYS i charged at him but he disappeared and reappeared behind me. 'You're playing that game, huh?' he said so i said 'You're playing THAT game, HUH?' i said in a sassy tone. 'You're really grinding my gears...' he said. Haha pun WAIT NO THATS NOT SCARY EITHER SO IT DIDN'T HAPPEN HAHA-
He ran into me and ONE HIT KILLED ROCK. FUCK AW MAN. But I didn't get taken to a game over or the beginning screen. It went to a black screen for about 6 minutes, but i didn't check to see if it crashed or get up to do something else, i just sat there staring blankly at the screen for 6 fuckin minutes. Suddenly, it turned to dark red which honestly made me jump. Then, I saw a pair of blue dots staring back at me. Ice Man faded in, that bastard! He looked at me, his bloodied eyes piercing my very soul in which i totally have. He grinned widely and said: 'Your next,' wait, did he not actually know my name? 'A..a..Anthony..? John...?' HAHA i got him this time! 'Wait, Cut Man knew my name, but not YOU? What the hell?' 'Cut knew it...? I should have asked...fuck...' He was getting nervous. 'So, you're sure your name's not Anthony? Or James? Sarah? No? Um...' I laughed in Claire. 'HAHA I HAVE FOUND A WEAKNESS, ICE SANS'
'Yet I am.'
He was clearly getting angry. His face was getting redder and he was mumbling. It reminded me of a 4 year old. He stomped a few times and yelled before COMING OUTTA THE FUCKIN SCREEN LIKE
As he stepped his hyper realistic body into my room i felt a sudden urge to hug this prick for some reason. I ran up and glomped him (anybody remember glomping?) and squeezed the life outta him. 'WHAT THE...I DEMAND AN EXPLANATION!' He growled. I said 'You may be a dick but you're still in Ice Man's body and he's the cuddliest character you could have chosen. Sucker.' I did an awesome evil laugh. 'LET ME GO F--' he yelled at me. 'FINE' I let him go and now my Breaking Benjamin shirt was covered in blood. Aw shit, my grandpa gave that to me. Meh i have 2 hoodies anyway, and a SOAD shirt. 'WELL AS I WAS GOING TO DO...' he started, 'No no no wait, you're gonna murder me in cold blood, right? Am I?' i said really enthusiastically for some reason. But trust me, i was totally shook. Yes. I was. I swear! Anyways, he turned to me and said '...Uh, yeah, what else did you expect?' 'Well, I expected for me to take you in as my slave! HAHAHA!' I cackled manically. I pulled out my Thunder Beam in which I obtained from Elec Man and pointed it at him. 'NOW, SLAVE, BEND OVER'
So yeah basically I have a creepypasta slave robot that does my every biding.
Can I go home now?
I can read that telepathically you know
Ok that was my story thanks for reading
Also i died, but not actually, because how else would i document this momentous occasion in my life
Ok skidaddle skidoodle get the fucc outta my roomle
Written by Kattozilla
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