I Defeat Herobrine
English Version
Currently, many people have been to a small construction video game called Minecraft, in which you can build great works of architecture, with just a couple of cubes, in short, it would be like a Lego, but in a video game. What if many told you is that there is a character in this game called herobrine, who with his presence has terrified several players, including me. What I am going to tell you at this moment is real, it happened to me a couple of years ago, when the game was not as well known as it is now, I remember that at that time a couple of people played it, mostly weirdos or obsessed gamers and fans of this style.
I remember that I had made a world and started to build a house, to prepare myself for the night that was about to happen, I was collecting wood, when suddenly I see that a player connects, to which I send him a PM, asking him if he knows I wanted to add, to which he didn't say anything, he was just standing there, just looking at me.
To what I remembered in a creepy paste that I had read, of a character who did the same thing as this strange being who did not speak to me, and who did not have a retina in his eyes, they were only two white balls, his name was Herobrine and he says that terrified the whole world of minecraft. To which I made the worst mistake of my entire life, asking him if he was this character.
There was a great silence in the whole room, and in the game, suddenly the music stopped, it seemed that the game was running on the part of this strange being, I even saw him closer, until he stood in the distance and began to send me strange codes that he could not understand, to which after this he only said one question "Yes or No?", I made the second big mistake of my life, I answered yes.
To which the game passed from the forest known by all to the level of hell, there I saw the true being, which was not as everything was painted, but was a demon, but not with minecraft graphics, but seemed very real. This being began to speak to me by message and told me the following "you have accepted for a duel to the death with me, for the salvation of your soul, since I am the collector of these, after that tragic afternoon in which I died and was taken prisoner in this video game.
At that moment my heart began to beat rapidly, almost as if it were going to jump out, so when I could articulate myself I answered: "like a duel, if this game is about construction, not combat?", to which I answered that it was true. what he said, but the game could actually be modified to whatever the hero wanted, and if he wanted it to be a fight it would be. So he did, and we were transported to what was a coliseum in hell itself, in which seemed to be the souls of other players, who had been imprisoned by him. I quickly took an armor and the best sword that was on the table, which was the adamntium one. Seeing that Herobrine or DevilBrine did this, he replied, "Your deadly weapons are useless against me", something that obviously froze my blood.
We got ready to fight in that arena, not only for me, but for the fate of all those souls, who cried out to rest in peace. He started with a big blow from his demonic mallet, which I managed to dodge, but I didn't realize that this DevilBrine also had powers, which took a quarter of my life, I tried putting it on Peaceful, to regenerate that life, but I didn't do anything, that demonic entity controlled that game and I couldn't do anything to prevent it. After several minutes of combat, I was about to fall, to be defeated and join his list of imprisoned souls in that coliseum, but when he was about to give me the final blow, a light appeared, and an angel came down from this, this being of light in one hit ran to DevilBrine and left him unconscious, at that moment this angel gave me a golden metal armor, which was 100 times better than adamantium and also a weapon that did not appear in the game and that I think will never appear, his name was "The mallet of God", this angel also recharged my energy and told me: "with this you will defeat him" and after this he disappeared in the same way he arrived.
When DevilBrine woke up he saw me with that armor, and he attacked me, thinking that he could kill me anyway, but he couldn't, every hit he gave me, I blocked him and also took life out of him. The battle was about to come to an end, which ended with a thrust to the head of my opponent with the mallet, to which I saw how the souls of the old players went to light, while herobrine (had left his demon facet ), he left in it too, thanking me for having freed him. After this the game returned from before the whole incident began, but only with one difference, that the armor had been left in the trunk and also full of cubes of all the minecraft minerals.
So if you say you have seen Herobrine or see people who claim to have seen him, don't worry, because he is no longer with us, nor in the game, he is in his eternal rest, because I, yes I, defeated Herobrine.
Original Spanish Version
Actualemente, mucha gente ha estado a un pequeño videojuego de construccion llamado Minecraft, en cual podes construir grandes obras de la arquitectura, con un solo par de cubitos, en resumen, seria como un lego, pero en videojuego. Lo que si muchos te contaran es que hay un personaje en este juego llamado herobrine, que con su prescencia ha aterrado a varios jugadores, incluido yo. Lo que contare en este momento es real, me ha pasado hace un par de años, cuando el juego no era tan conocido como lo es ahora, recuerdo que en esa epoca lo jugaban un par de personas, en su mayoria raros o gamers obsesos y fans de este estilo.
Recuerdo que me habia hecho un mundo y comenze a constuir una casa, para prepararme a la noche que estaba pronta a ocurrir, estaba recolectando madera, cuando de repente veo que un jugador se conecta, a lo que le mande un MP, preguntandole si se queria sumar, a lo cual el no dijo nada, solo estaba parado ahi, solo mirandome.
A lo que recorde en una creepy pasta que habia leido, de un personaje que hacia lo mismo que este extraño ser que no me hablaba, y que no poseia retina en los ojos, solo eran dos bolas blancas, su nombre era Herobrine y dice que aterrorizaba todo el mundo de minecraft. A lo cual hice el peor error de toda mi vida, preguntarle si era este personaje.
Se hizo un gran silencio en toda la sala, y en el juego, de repente la musica paro, parecia que el juego corria por parte de este extraño ser, inclusive lo vi mas cerca, hasta que se puso a lo lejos y comenzo a mandarme extraños codigos que no podia entender, a lo que luego de esto dijo solo una pregunta "¿Si o No?", yo cometi el segundo gran error de mi vida, conteste si.
A lo cual el juego paso del bosque conocido por todos al nivel del infierno, ahi vi al verdadero ser, que no era como todo lo pintaban, sino que era un demonio, pero no con graficos del minecraft, sino parecia muy real. Este ser comenzo a hablarme por mensaje y me dijo lo siguiente "haz aceptado para un duelo a muerte conmigo, por la salvacion de tu alma, dado que yo soy el recolector de estas, luego de esa tragica tarde en que mori y fue hecho prisionero en este videojuego".
En ese momento mi corazon comenzo a latir rapidamente, casi como si se fuera salir, entonces cuando pude articularme conteste: "¿como un duelo, si este juego es de construccion, no de combate?", a lo que contesto que era verdad lo que decia, pero el juego en realidad podia ser modificado para lo que hero qusisiese, y si el queria que fuera de pelea lo seria. Asi que lo hizo, y fuimos trasnportados a lo que era un coliseo en el misimo infierno, en el parecian estar las almas de otros jugadores, que habian quedado prisioneros de el. Yo tome rapidamente una armadura y la mejor espada que hubiese en la mesa, que era la de adamntium. Al ver que hacia esto, Herobrine o DevilBrine, me contesto, "tus armas mortales no sirven contra mi", algo que obiamente congelo mi sangre.
Nos dipusimos a luchar en esa arena, no solo por mi, sino por el destino de todas esas almas, que clamaban descansar en paz. El comenzo con un gran golpe de su mazo demoniaco, que yo logre esquivar, pero no me percate que ademas este DevilBrine tenia ademas poderes, lo cual me barrio un cuarto de la vida, intente poniendolo en Peaceful, para si regenerar esa vida, pero no hacia nada, ese ente demoniaco controlaba ese juego y yo no podia hacer nada para impedirlo. Luego de varios minutos de combate, estaba a punto de caer, de ser derrotado y sumarme a su lista de almas prisioneras en ese coliseo, pero cuando me estaba por dar la estocada final, una luz aparecio, y un angel bajo de este, este ser de luz de un golpe corrio a DevilBrine y lo dejo inconciente, en ese momento este angel me entrego una armadura de un metal dorado, que era 100 veces mejor que el adamantium y ademas un arma que no aparecia en el juego y que creo que nunca aparecera, su nombre era "El mazo de Dios", este angel ademas recargo mi energia y me dijo: "con esto lo derrotaras" y luego de esto desaparecio en la misma forma en que llego.
Cuando DevilBrine desperto me vio con esa armadura, y me ataco, pensando que podria acabar conmigo igualmente, pero no pudo, cada golpe que le me daba, yo lo bloqueaba y ademas le sacaba vida a el. La batalla estaba por llegar a su final, que termino con una estocada en la cabeza de mi oponente con el mazo, a lo cual vi como las almas de los antiguos jugadores se iban a la luz, mientras que herobrine (habia dejado su faceta demoniaca), se iba en ella tambien, agradeciendome de haberlo liberado. Luego de esto el juego volvio desde que antes de que todo el incidente comenzara, pero solo con una diferencia, que en el baul habia quedado la armadura y ademas llena de cubos de todos los minerales del minecraft.
Asi que si ustedes dicen haber visto a Herobrine o ven gente que afirma haberlo visto, no se preocupen, por que el ya no esta entre nosotros, ni en el juego, el esta en su descanso eterno, por que Yo, si Yo, derrote a Herobrine.
Credited to Yamkastan
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