ICarly was a revolutionary show

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iCarly was one of the most revolutionary shows ever to grace this Earth. It was the pinnacle of Nickelodeon's creative talents and hard-working actors to make a truly stunning show which would capture the hearts of millions. There have been absolutely no criticisms of this show, it is unflawed and perfect, in fact, IMDB has only 10 star reviews for this show. The comedy used is genius, never being repetitive and always using new gags to entertain the respectable audience. iCarly revolutionized the TV market, with jokes and ideas no one had ever seen before, like recounting the lives of famous fictitious teenagers' lives and milking out a show for a few years. They are always full of witty jokes and hilarious situations, and the character development is brilliant. I would tell everyone I know about this show, but sadly I have no one to talk to because I'm a lonely reviewer on the Internet who makes no money and lives in their mom's basement watching iCarly everyday and moment of their lives. Overall, I'd give this show an 11/9, because it is of a much higher quality and perfection than even the likes of Seinfeld. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go ship Spencer and Gibby together on Fanfiction.net.

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