NSFW WARNING This page is not safe for work or school. The content of this story is not suitable for some audiences, and may be inappropriate to view in some situations... Or in all situations, at any time, any place, and by any audience for that matter. |
Step 1. Go to your nearest grocery store.
Step 2. Buy exactly 13 packs of Paukymaun cards. These are EVIL PATRIXXX's favorite trading cards other than mermaid maid man and barnacle boy.
Step 3. Go to a secluded, dark area.
Step 4. Burn all the cards
Step 5. You should pass out and wake up in Squidward's house
Step 6. Sneak out of his house as quickly as possible.
Step 7. Run as fast as possible away from the three houses.
Step 8. Go to the Krusty Krab. Be sure to hide your face from the passers by.
Step 9. Order a "PATRIXXX DELUX."
Step 10. Sit patiently and wait for your meal. (Be sure to hide your face)
Step 11. You should get a krabby patty. Eat it while chanting "OOKA SAAKA FAKKA LAKKA POOP I LIKE TO EAT LIKE CHAKA"
Step 12. Laugh that you said the word poop
Step 13. You should wake up in EVIL PATRIXXX's house. (It should look like what Patrick's house looks like)
Step 14. Open PATRIXXX's computer. The password is "Killall1369666"
Step 15. Run the file: "Scatporn.avi"
Step 16. The video should say your name and time of death. (SP00KY)
Step 17. Smash the computer with a hammer
Step 18. If you dont have a hammer you're fucked
Step 19. Don't look behind you! MUAHAHHAHAHGAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA\
Step 20. Sing "Wrecking ball" by Miley Cyrus while twerking.
Step 21. You should see EVIL PATRIXXX jacking off to your performance.
Step 22. A skeleton with hyper-realistic eyes will pop out.
Step 23. You are now DED.
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