He Is Everywhere
Wherever you go, if you look carefully, very carefully, you will see him. He follows everyone, everywhere. But if you have seen him or talked about him, he will not leave you alone. Every moment you are alone, he will appear in front of you. He will not hurt you, he will just stare at you with his giant red eyes. You will become insane, he will bring you to the point of suicide.
I was 12 years old, walking home from school, it was just another day. My friends were being stupid, talking about this guy who watches you always, little did I know they were right. I meant nothing of it. The next day, I had just got to school when my teacher pulled me out of class, saying one of my friends, Liam, had committed suicide, leaving a note saying the man was too much for him; watching him all night.
He had left a brief description of him: giant red eyes, no arms and no mouth. The rest of the day, class was silent, I was thinking,
"What would happen if I found him?" I decided not to find out.
One year later, I was alone in my house, I walked past my mirror and thought I saw something. I looked at it for a while....
"No, it can't be," I mumbled to myself "it's just my mind playing tricks."
I saw a thing which matched the description of my friend's suicide note. After that point, I was seeing him everywhere. I think I made it worse by looking 'him' up on the internet.
That was 16 years ago, since then my life has really gone to shit, I have become completely obsessed with him, drawing him, looking at him in the night. It feels... it feels like we are some sort of friends. NO! This is what he does to you, he draws you in, and then you kill yourself. I know I haven't got long until it completely consumes me. Neither have you, you know of him now. You have little time left.
This was the note found at the scene of the suicide, pinned to the body hanging from the ceiling. This insane man was in need of treatment, but never... Wait... What the fuck is that thing?
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