Hello diary...
This is me once again, reporting in.
Today, I decided to exit my shelter and return to the world I left behind to find any evidence of other human beings, but no. The only living beings I found were those, who had been left unhurt: the animals. But something is different about them, they have been... I don't know...brainwashed or programmed to stalk me. Some of the animals follow me, stare at me, or hop aimlessly around me. They also have the emotion that I have not been able to restore - happiness.
Even though, they ignore what happened. My only friend in this world is this collection of paper what I like to call my diary.
Screw it, what the hell am I talking about? THIS IS A HALLUCINATION I AM IN. But I have not been able to deal with this world, but this place is so unreal that the only way to explain this place IS a hallucination. The nature has also changed: the trees, the ground, the water 4and stones - they all seem to defy the laws of gravity and physics. Thank you Sweden for breaking the laws... The terrain has also turned weird, almost symmetrical and it haunts me everywhere I go. Everywhere. I. Go. But I have to put down, what I saw on my adventure out...
After hours of camping and a long night outside, I found a cave that had been left untouched by nature's right hand. It was completely spotless. Inside the cave I found a small table, on which was a piece of paper and pictures of a small mythical eyeless creature. The piece of paper was eery, with writings about that creature and the pictures were even more disturbing. I wanted to get out of that place as soon as possible...
Hello again diary,
I just want to scream and break away from this world. This place is stressful and frustrating. The animals stare at me with an even more drilling look, the symmetrical terrain gets more creepier and even more hallucinogenic and now I found out, that this world has limits and borders. I am in a psychological jail... I am limited into this world, but I know that one day, I will break through to the other side of this world.
Hello diary,
I have had enough of this hellhole, I'm escaping to freedom and going on an adventure to find an exit, but to anyone that finds this diary, I am leaving you a note, with some useful information, thank you and good bye.
That person was found dead under a cliff surrounded by animals that kept staring at him for no good reason.
But what was written on that note?
The note.
Hello fellow being.
If you are reading this then you need to escape. Escape as far as the eye could see, because you are trapped and want to get out of here.
I left some tools and some food under the table in a chest. I also found a small psychological tip to keep you entertained during the time here.
Just call this place MineCraft, that should keep you going. Well, I'm going now. Bye.
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