It was a crappiest day ever. So I wandered the neiiigghhbor hood IN THE FOCKING RAIN. Then I found a salesman with a game named Half Life 2 Copy (remember this). He told meh that it was fo' free. So I punch him in the crotch and took it liek: LALALALALA. I went home. Cam upstairs and locked the room yeah the room WAS LOCKED. So I turned on meh computer and played it. It started with the VALVE logo but the music was reversed. And a message sayin' LEAVE YOUR LIFE NAO. 2cliche4me. And the source logo was saying DEAD.
LATER... It shows HALF LIFE 2 EPISODE 3 as the only selection so I played it. I was excited but it shows G Man In static and saying RISE AND SHINE MISTER in a demonic voice And he walked closer and closer until it blacks out. So it started playing, I played as Dr, Kleiner. In his lab, he was reviving a Headcrap Zombie and a Headcrab. But when the headcrab zombie came up he jumped on Kleiner's head and removing his head slowly and eating slowly. It tooked 2 hours after finishing Dr, Kleiner's head. And then... the game turned off and new file came up. Its called Gaben. I opened the folder and a link to a picture http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140117005915/random-ness/images/2/2f/Gaben_dancing.gif I nearly threw up of Gaben being slaughtered by a fast zambie. And I realized its going to be night time so I turned off my computer and went to sleep.
It was another crappy day. So I played my "copied" version of Half Life 2. Right now I'm already at Chapter 4. This chapter is called Ravenholm Ressurection. It shows a cutscene of Alyx in Ravenholm. She was talking with a dead body. She was saying "I would play with you eve though we were kids" I felt like she had mental problems in her bwain. And then I started playing but it was different. SHE GOT A RAMPAGE WITH A GRAVITY GUN AND SHE WAS KILLING INNOCENT SURVIVORS. She was laughing at their dead bodies. And when she got closer to the body she said "I have a grave 4 u" I got scared but then, someone is knocking the door. I paused the game, and went downstairs and running like a girl Liek: LALALAL EIM GEY. I opened the door and it was the police he said, Do you have a copy of a game named " Half Life 2 " I closed the door instantly and came upstairs SUDDENLY, the game was playing by itself. I tried to turn off the game but it was still playing until a scream happened. It turned off my computer and I lost my data. I went to sleep again until later.
I woke at 6 Am. I slept very long but I was sleepin in mah couch. Wtf was I doing? I came upstairs and a message on my computer saying PLAY ME. And I was at the menu of HL2 Episode 3. It shows a camera screen and corpse all over a barn floor. I played a save file. It was saved at 6/6/06. 1 year before Episode 2 was released. So I played the save file but I realized that the file stopped and frozed. I I tried to cancel the save but it continued when I cancelled it. So now I play as Gordon Freeman but the weird thing is that he is dying from poison. He was losing health fast. I panicked before he died. A message said YOU DIED And then a yell came from a room from my neeeiiighbor. I try to open the door but it was locked. But then a figure came up to me and knock me out. He was saying Sleep and suffer... with me. TO BE CONTINUED
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