Ghost Stories

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One night, a man walked into his kitchen. He was very hungry, and decided to make some toast to quench his hunger. When he opened the bread drawer, he found that there was only rye bread. His favorite. He placed the bread into the toaster, and crumbs were everywhere. He set his toaster to the perfect setting for making delicious toast. As the bread was toasting a delicious golden sheet over it, the man wondered what he was going to put on his midnight meal. He thought of putting some strawberry jam on it, but decided that he was not in the mood for strawberry jam. He thought of making a Peanut Butter Sandwich, but he hated the taste of Peanut Butter. He even thought of putting margarine on his perfect slices of toast, but he thought to himself "who the hell eats margarine? I mean, I'm already 50 pounds overweight, but I don't want a heart attack!" As the toaster popped out the now golden pieces of heaven, the man decided what to put on his toast. The thing that will melt inside his mouth, and make him jump with joy. Butter. He opened the fridge hoping to make his night with this warm buttery snack. But what he saw almost made him scream in terror. Because inside the fridge... There was no butter to be found...

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