Five Nights at Fabios Hair Salon 2
It was a early Saturday afternoon, Billy was off watching one of his favorite TV Shows, Pimped up Ride. The show consisted of five people, all of which were in a gang their goal was to pimp up as many cars as they could. It was the only thing Billy's parents could memorize him with so he would leave them alone. Every time there was a commercial break, Billy would go into the kitchen and get something to eat. But one time, when he was walking to the kitchen, something caught his attention. "Come be apart of the new face of Fabio's Hair Salon!" Screamed the advertisement spokesman. Billy cringed and proceeded to watch the video. Although he wasn't very interested, something made him keep staring at the screen. It was almost as if he was hypnotized. Billy's parents were off somewhere as usual. Finally the advertisement ended, and Billy felt a sudden urge to go to Fabio's Hair Salon. Billy's Parents happily obliged and drove him to Fabio's. "Well son, we'll be back at six o'clock" His father said, cigar in hand. Billy nodded, and turned around taking a close inspection of the building. Balloons hung near the front door. A big banner that hung right above the ballons read "Fabio's" Written in big bold letters. Billy proceeded inside, and looked around. The place was empty except for about three other kids. He walked up to one of them, "What's going on here." Billy asked. The child didn't reply but just stared at him. Billy was weird-ed out by this and walked towards the payphone that sat right next to the entrance. He picked it up, and then realized the wire had been cut. He ran towards the front door, and pulled, and pushed. But it was locked. It was then he heard something. "Play my Game!" He turned around, to see a bright monitor, with Fabio's face on the front. He walked over to the computer, and pressed enter on the keyboard to begin the game. The screen then faded to black. 30 seconds later white text appeared, it read "Level 1: Get ready for Fabio" The level displayed nothing but grass, but the only thing is, there was blood on the ground, hyper-realistic blood. Billy then heard a scream. After that the screen faded to black. 30 seconds later, white text appeared, and this time it read "Look behind you" Billy turned around, only to see something horrid. Fabio, Fabio was sitting in a tub of blood, the same blood that he saw in the game. But then the blood turned into his bucket of McDonald's Chocolate Milk. Billy was furious, he then did a 360 no-scope on all of the kids, Fabio vanished, and the legend continues
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