I recently bought an old computer just to see if I could get it running, but when I opened it I found a floppy disk taped into the side of the case, the tape had gone stale and yellow. On the Floppy Disk was a label saying "file3". I knew that we had a USB floppy disk reader so I went down and got it from a draw in the living room, and then I went up to my room plugged it in, and put the floppy disk in. These text files were the only things in it and it looked like a diary of some sort.
- Entry one 15/2/87
New assignment, I have been given patients "na000963" and "dl28473" I shall call them N and D for short during my recordings. "n" is a Diagnosed schizophrenic and has tortured hundreds ending with their deaths, "d" is criminally insane (diagnosed) and mutilates his dead victims beyond recognition. These men have been selected for the scream experiment to see how distress of others affects them mentally, they will be subject to recordings of men and women screaming for 24 hours a day for 6 months, patients are on record as "disposable"
- Entry two 16/2/87
Experiment has today begun, we checked patients cell for contraband and escorted them in, "d" resisted saying he didn't belong "here" and "n" simply see's this as a joke, I predict they wont last a week in the conditions placed, That or the mental stress will cause them to kill themselves.
(Now the next 20 entries simply describe the patient's physical conditions, and I need to write this quickly as I cant copy paste what's on the floppy disk only type it, so Im skipping straight to where strange things begin)
- Entry 22 8/3/87
Patient "d" has begun to experience adverse effects after 22 days of exposure, his eyes have begun to bleed and he is stamping like a child would and groaning as if he is in pain, "n" has gone silent he sits in the corner of his cell whispering, one of my men has left the team after "n" struck eye contact through the large window that looks into his cell, he left a resignation note saying simply "they have changed, cut you losses get out, the devil is in them". Paranoia has hit hard after the note and my team are talking about what the effects could be doing.
- Entry 23 9/3/87
"n" is now showing extreme signs of mental distress, he is pressed up against the viewing window, saying the same words over an d over "pain pain pain pain pain". Patient "d" is now completely still in his cell, he laughs manically when we look through at him saying "you don't know what you have done"
- Entry 24 10/3/87
Today we turned the screaming off for a set amount of time of 5 minutes, as soon as we did the screaming was continued by both patients, they kept it up until the tapes resumed at which point "n" muttered "we will not suffer in silence let us out". 2 more members of my team left, there is only 3 of us now, and even I am suffering terrible nightmares.
(Im skipping to the last entry now, Im leaving out the graphic descriptions of how they mutated)
- Final entry
I am leaving the facility today, these monsters shall be left here to die, I am hiding this disk somewhere where it will hopefully never be found, but if you do find it well I am sorry, I am responsible for this disgusting scenario, but Im afraid if you are reading this, it means the door has been breached and the creatures we have created have been unleashed. Before we left, the two last things we heard the patients say were as follows:
Patient "d" "I am the rake"
Patient "n" "I am the slender man"
(We all know who the rake and slender man are from the Creepypasta stories, but these creatures are meant to have been around before 1987, this scares me for one reason, does this mean they are real) Anyway I have to go now; there are some men at the door?
Credited to JaffaBomb
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