Family Guy: Prager U
"Hey Lois, remember the time I was in a PragerU video?"
Cutaway to Peter strapped into a chair in a windowless room. Ben Shapiro comes in, sits down in another chair in front of Peter, and says, "Hello Peter. Let's talk. Now, you are a guy. Do you agree? You also have a family, which you can also agree is true. Now let's say, hypothetically, you were both, a family-guy if you will."
Peter looks at the camera and says, "Heheheheh, he said the thing."
Ben stands up, slaps Peter in the face, and looking down at him continues his diatribe.
The camera pans up to a clock and shows the hands adjust to several hours later. The camera pans back to the two, Ben still talking, Peter is now a skeleton.
Charlie Kirk bursts into the room and says, "And I'm Charlie!" Skeleton Peter unties himself, stands up, and sings and dances to surfin' bird while Ben and Charlie join in.
Cut back to the living room. Peter says, "And that's how I became a conservative!" The family members each produce a weapon, Peter looks at the camera again and says, "Maybe I should have come out as gay, that would have gone over better!" The family beats Peter mercilessly.
Credited to neednintendo
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