Excursion Grounds
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[Missing image: AbandonedMine.jpg - Caption: "The only screenshot and evidence of Excursion Grounds, taken around 1994."]
It was an abandoned mine, located around in the shrubland. It was built around the 1990's. It's called by the name "Excursion Grounds". It is rumored by locals that a powerful curse is laid on the area. An avid researcher found his first thing when walking in, disappearance. He had vanished for weeks, only to come back severely traumatized.
If you choose to explore this place, then the location is unknown. Hell, very few people know about it. The curse was almost unleashed in 2002, where the miners quickly ran out trying to find the exit. So this is all of what was heard of the haunted mine named Excursion Grounds.
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