Evl Skyther
dos any1 remembr pokman? prolly not it was a obskyer gam from d 1998
1 day i was seen my frend play d pokman and i was lik WAT DAT? he said IT POKE i borrow game and i was hokt i play 4 weeks but i hav 2 giv d gam bak and so did
1 day it was d day b4 my birfday i told my dad all day about d pokmans and he was lik DAZ DUM Y U TALK 2 ME ABOT S2PED ELEKTRIK RAT? i said K BOOMER he said daz a racist az d N word i said K BOOMER he said I HAV AN IDEA 2 PUNISH U I BUY U S2PED GAM 2 SHUT U UP GET IN KAR i waz lik LOL DAZ A WERD PUNISH BUT OK
it was d best day of my life but FORESHADOWING IT WUD SOON B D WORST DAY OF MY LIF
we go 2 d malwart instead it was a chines nok off stor der was d bootiful display of d pokman red blu yello and... green??? it haden super kool skythr on d front so i by it was d great joy but SPOILER ALERT D JOY WUD NOT LAST teh man said AAH YES I SEE U R RACIST 2 UR FATHER U SHAL ENJOY DIS GAME i was lik OK BOOMER he was get triggered but i not kar i get pokman
i got hom and i seen d katrij not hav d skyther normly it was 2 d rit lik it was fiting ivisibl entity i had panik atak but put n gamboy skreen said CONTINUE instead of intro and NEW GAME ans stuf i was go 2 d house and der wer no stairs and i kudnt talk 2 d objects n d room i took kartraj out and blew on it and d gerst said DONT DO DAT!!! i said GEEZ SORRY JUST MAK GAM WORK gest said OH IT WILL WORK ALRIGHT LOLOLOLOLOLOL but unfortunately it was stil not work i showed my dad and he seen d torn up and peed on box it had come in (i do dat to krisen my stuf lol) he said S2PED KID! FIN WE GET ANODR 1 TOMORW
go bak and most gamz wuz sold and der wer no green katrij and i was lik WAAAAAAAAT? i got red and it was fine i play 4 ours RED WAS FAVRIT AND WAS SO MUCH NOSTALGIA i put green gam in drawr gerst said U WILL REGRET DIS!
2007 i was 47 my dad bot me POKMAN PERL and my frend POKMAN DIMUND and said NOW U S2PED KIDS PLAY AND LEEV ME ALONE AND WEN UR DON GET A JOB AND MOV OUT DEY WONT LET U LIV WIF ME N D NURSING HOM 4 MUCH LONGER AND I WANT DIS BED 2 MYSELF! me and my frend play and play and den talk about d NOSTALGIA i waz lik U EVR PLAYED POKMAN GREEN he skreem U LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! i was lik NO SON I HAV IT i go 2 find it and it was GONE! frend leev
next day i ask dad abot it he said YES I REMEMBER I TRIED 2 TAK IT BAK AND TEH MAN SAID DEY NOT SELL IT SO I GOT MAD I HAVE IT LET ME FIND IT. i was think FREND SAY IT NOT EXIST MALWART NOT SELL IT... IT MUST B D GERST !!! i hav panik atak roll on d flr skreeming dad giv me gam said SHUT UP!!! i got uncontrolabl urg 2 play i want 2 play wif my frend but he go 2 his cult meeting so i play alone
i play agian and i seen d room and bekus i was not a s2ped baby lik i was wen i was 39 i was see mor tetail i seen bolder and it was n d room and kuz i was blind at age 39 i had not seen it b4 and tot it was a chair lel i go 2 bolder and seen i had a lvl 25 skyther dat new STRENGTH FLASH CUT im dum so i dont no if he kan lern dat stuf was use strenghth on d bolder and d text box said DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRK had panik atak trew up on d flr and desid 2 use flash and i seen path appeared and as i walked down d path d text box said BLUGELELEGUGLEGLEGLEHGLELGGLELGLEGL SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKY!!!!!!!! i as skreeming of terror and my dad hit me on d hed wif his kane and said SHUT UP IM TRYN 2 WACH ME STORIES!!!!
i go down d path and appear n palet town but d houses had no dors and profekr oak was stand n fron of d lab i talk 2 him and he said ... i was lik OK so i go up 2 go 2 d next town place land and frofesr oak appeared and siad NO! IT IS 2 DANGERUS 4 U AND UR POKAMAN!!!! NOOOOO! he den batl me his sprike loked lik he was trubld as he lokd down i kus feel d pain of his soul i haden anodr panik attak peed al ovr d flr and my dad said U R CANSER AND SHUD DIE! i was skreem and him and he was lik KIDZ DEES DAYS! prafekr send out troubled squirtl and i kil it and he said NO DONT GO!!!! he was den surrent otu d charmander also trubbled and sad it was i kild it and he said DONT GO again and send out d equally troubled bulbasaur (do u lik how redundant dis is i herd dat if ur story is redundant its betr lol) anyway oak once again repeatedly and in prep et tu i ty (i tink daz a word and i speld it rit if it is dont judge d judge plz kuz der is only 1 judge bish) anyway said DONT GO again
profesr oak was stand der and i leev he said I BEG OF U DONT LEEV U DONT UNDERSTAND!!!!!! (PS IM NOT GOING 2 TEL U WATS GOING ON JUST DONT LEEV K? U KANT RETURN) i was havin andor seshur out of feer my dad siad IM GOIN 2 FISIKUL THERAPY ITS MOR FUN DAN DIS SHIT! i was go and d lit from flash disapear and i ran n2 d wild pokman i will simply call it INVISIBL kuz it had no sprit or nam and i kudnt atak kuz it said SCYTHR SPOOKED 2 MOOVE!!! ran away and it kept appering i use flash agan and evl green lit appeared and i kud see 2 get 2 d VIRIDEYAN CITY
wen i get 2 viridian city text box appeared and said YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! VIRIDIAN CITY STAY 4 EVR AND ENJOY D GYM LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOL i tried 2 leev but der wer invizibl walz evrywer i destroyed evryting in my dads room and kalm down and explor d town mor no dors on d bildings and i seen teh old man ho teech u 2 kach poks was appeared i avoid him kuz he kreepy even n normal pok gams i tried gym was loked so i talk 2 old man after metally preparing by smashing d windows and assaulting d nurse ho kam 2 chek on me teh old man said HEY KID U WANA B D VERY BEST LIK NO 1 EVR WUZ? DO U WAND TO CACH DEM AND TRAIN DEM 4 DAT IS UR TEST AND CAUSE? DO U WANT 2 TRAVL AKROS D LAND SERCHING FAR AND WIDE 2 TEECH D POKMAN TO UNDERSTAND D POWER DAZ INSIDE? IS IT POKMAN GOTTA CACH EM AND AND IS IT U AND DEM AND U NO ITS D DESTINY AND POKEMAN N UR BEST FREND AND D WORLD U MUST D FEND GOTTA CACHEM EM AL A HEART SO TRU WILL UR KURAG PULL U TRHU U TEECH DEM AND DEY TEECH U POKAMAN GOTTA CACHEM ALL YEAH? (PS U WIL B 4EVR ALONE) 4evr alone? i choose no WEL TEN STAY FOREVER YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS! i was lik GYM LOKT FINE i was talk again and choose yes he said VERY GOOD I WILL INTRODUCE U 2 D TRU POKMAN MASTER! we go n gym entrace i try 2 talk 2 teh man agian not work i tried and sucessful walk n 2 gym i was spooked but desided dat d gam freak worker who was also a slitly disturbed serial killer and/or rapist mad dis gam only 48% of me balleeved dat 51% beleved dat dis gam was evl 1% baleeved dat i probably shud have killed dat nurs kus now shes prolly bichin about me 2 my dad
anyway gym was pich blak and i use flash and teh evl green lit appeared and was a small room i seen geovani and approach him and he said UNFORTUNATLY DIS IS WER UR POKMAN JERNEY ENDS GOOD SON DER IS NOTHIGN BEYOND DIS ROOM LOL U WILL STAY 4 EVER #SORRYNOTSORRY i was lok NO WAY i talk 2 him fom al direkshins i approach from d bak and he said #SORRYNOTSORRY 4 REELZ DIS TIM K? battle started i waz lik OK text box said GEOVANI HAS NO CHOICE LOLOLOLOLOL he send out d ivisibl ting again was levl 100 and i send out syther al movs mis and d invisibl ting use ... i use flash and evl syther was reveld it was rong ok? it was evl lokin (im not gonna deskrib it dont ask me 2) it defead my pokman geovani appeared and said #SORRYNOTSORRY again and i was bak 2 d gym even do me syther hav 0 hp
i talk 2 geovani again and he said SON PLZ U MUST ESCAPE HE HAS CONTROL OVR AL OF US U WILL ONLY B HIS NEXT VIKTIM!!!!!!!!! DER IS A DOR- syther den grabb d bak of geovani and i stared at d image and it faded adn was bak at gym i try 2 leev and dis tim image appear it was my syther and hyperrealistik blud and guts apperd and syther was sliced 2 peices i seen d aminashin was end after a few minutes it den showed a image of syther head on a plate loking skared n d darkness text box appeared and siad FAILUREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS UR FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!
i trew d game kartrag against d wall kaled my frend he kam and i showed him d kartraj and he said LOL VERY FUNY HOW LONG IT TAK U T MAK DAT? i was lik I NOT MAKE HERE i put d kartraj bak n and it wasnt work frend said HAHA U DOO DOO AND S2PED PRANKR i was get real mad but den d gam work but dis tim skreen showed pikshur of d syther head on a plate and it was den get angry and siad RAR my frend had a hart attak and died i was lok NOOOOOOO! den d evl green gerst APPEARED! it siad FINALLY AFTER ALL OF DEES YEARS! TEH GREEN GLOW OF THE EYE OF C'SHAN SHALL CONSUME U eye appeared and my dad walk bak n d room said R U WINNIN SON? but d hyperrealistik green light from d eye was melt his flesh kinds lik d nazis on indiana jones as he skreem eye lok at me and said U WILL STAY 4EVER i was den transport 2 d room wif geovani but he was reveld 2 b DOGGY GASANI aka EVIL KIPPERIXX he said #SORRYNOTSORRY and d evl skyther appeared and was begin 2 kut me 2 peices i skrambl around on d flr havin panik atak and i peed on him and he said EW GROSS! (but in evl skyther languaj) i was den find d door and go out it and i ran and rand thru d tall grass der wer no pokman until i foudn a small house
i went inside and der was a man who lok lik PATRIXX (ps earlier wen i said i wudnt deskrib d evl skyther sprit we i grew a pair of balls now and i shall deskribe dat it fwas skyther but wif d face of d patrixx)
i was ran but it was on a iland der was tall grass and i seen a evl ratatatatatta gerst from evl GARIXX and i was skheed kuz it was trying 2 kil me bt i stood on d ground and it kudnt reach but deen DOGGIE GASANI burst out d dor of fatty's house and i was pee on d ground again (i was not wearing pants) i jumped n d water but i voice in my head sadi U DO NOT KNOW SURF so i was skheed and was singking 2 d bottom and at d bottom i seen d missingno. missingno. said U HAV FOT HARD 2 INVADE D RELM OF MISSINGNO. i said SON CAN I JUST GO BAK 2 D RETIREMENT HOM WIF MY DAD? it said NO SON U THINK IM JUST GONNA LET U GO BAK DER? LOL U R SUCH LOSER I HAV A BETTR PLACE 4 U! AND DER 1 WAY OUT... 2 WALK D LONLY PATH - OF TEH CASL ALL TEH GERSTS!
i was n d casl al d gersts and teh man said HELLO TONIGHT U SHALL DIE YES? i said NO he said YES i said how? he said SUMMON RITUAL i said OK dey den summon d evl SKYTHERIXX i said HOW COULD U? teh man said WE NO DAZ WAT U WANT U BOT TEH GAM KUZ OF TEH SCYTHER YES? U WANT 2 SERV SCYTHER 4 ALL ETERNITY i said NO NO NO I SAID NO NO NO man sadi VERY GOOD U HAV PATRONIZED HIM 2 HIS FACE NOW HE KNOWS TRULY HOW U FEEL 4 DAT U WILL GET TEH GR8EST U BE FED 2 HIM i ran instantly but d evl skyther grabbed me frum behind and it was al ovr my stomak and liver (dat i lernd in preskool) was al ovr d flr and i was DEAD and my hed was on a plate and gues wat?
ur next
t nd
Written by Church of C'Shan
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