The otherday I was playing Minecraft, doing the usual, mining some diamonds, collecting obsidian, and I heard a creepy growling noise echo down the cave, freaked out I quickly ran through the cave, but the echo became louder, when I made it out, it wasnt the place I had first entered the cave, it was a desert.
The growl stopped for a second, and the screen kept flickering black to normal.
I turned round to where the cave was, and standing there was a white creeper with purple eyes.
I walked backwards, and drew my bow, I had never heard or read about this mob at all, so it came as quite a shock. It just stared at me, I then shot it with my bow, and an then there was a horrifying growl, and I realised this was the creature that I heard below.
I expected it to attack but it just dissapered, at this point I had already took three screenshots. I turned around and there was a white ender man, it flickered and became a white spider, and attacked me, I shot it with my bow and noticed that I had poison effects after the attack, but this was not a venomous spider, it flickered again and became a ghast, shot a fireball at me, I quickly deflected it, and it hit the ghast, it flickered and suddenly I realised I was out of arrows, I had no other weapons. So I began to run.
My health was decreasing rapidly with the poison. Eventually it stopped, I turned round and it had become a skeleton a arrow flew at me and hit me, and I got the poison effects again.
My screen then began to turn from black to normal continously, I went onto the menu and decided to go on peaceful mode, but he was still there and the game hadnt paused I was now on one and a half hearts. I away and suddenly he became a man he looked like an NPC, though he wore no robes and was holding a book item with a brown cape behind him.
Luckily after a while of running, my health began to go back to normal. I ran towards him and hit him. But I got hurt instead, and then almost at once, the sand below began to blow, the barking became lowder and lowder until I couldnt stand it, and then he spun around and fire appeared all around him, he walked through it without losing any health and kept hitting my player.
I dropped all my items, thirty diamonds, nine gold, obsidian and lots more, loads of experience orbs and worst of all when the gameover screen appeared it said reset rather than respawn and when I clicked that Minecraft crashed, I was logged out and when I tried to log in, and it told me this account never existed, eventually I bought a new minecraft but when I tried to play minecraft just crashed. And I try every now and again but it has not worked since, I also cannot find any of the screenshots, its almost as though they were deleted.
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