E-Spirits are the notorious poltergeists that harass their victims via something electronic. Anything from a computer to an iPod to a video game can be the subject where an E-Spirit can lurk. E-Spirits can be seen in such infamous stories such as Ben, the story about the haunted Majora's mask cartridge. E-Spirits can even lurk in television sets, so anytime you're watching your favorite TV series, an E-Spirit could be watching you every minute you have your eyes suctioned to the screen. Fortunately, an E-Spirit can't haunt you outside the virtual world, so you're safe when sleeping at night.
So if you notice anything strange is going on with your desktop or MP3 player, an E-Spirit is most likely trying to haunt you. Unfortunately, E-Spirits can't be chased away by anything, and will stay until it is tired of it's victim.
Anything that's electronic, an E-Spirit can lurk in.
Credited to ZZMP3
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