Dr. Pingas
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A skiny Robotnik was walking across the screen with a gun. He had a gun. He shot the gun at the screen and there was a title logo. "Dr. Pingas." Then the real movie started.
Robotnik was sitting on a island when he was smoking. "Yo chick who is usleess come get laid with me." Robotnik said and she sat on his lap givig him a lap dance.
"Hey sexy boy, what is your name?" She said lowering herself to his lower big bulgy area.
"My name is Pingas. Robotnik Pingas." Robotnik said and went to bed with her. She got pregnant. But then there as a shooting and the police showed up.
"Guys I'm trying to help us all." The police officer said as the villain from Dragonball Evolution came in with a gun and killed the police officer. He also killed the pregnant chick. RObotnik was pissed and left his home.
He decided to go a place. It was a bar. Inside the bar he met Hank Pym from Marvel. "Yolo Robotnik." Hank said and gave him a cared. "This will bring you to where you want to go." Hank said and left the bar. RObotnikk checked the card. It was telling him to go a spy building.
The spy building was card "Fuck Your Ass Land." Robotnik loved the name instantly so he went on in. Once inside, he saw a man in a suit. IT WAS........... CHRIS HANSEN!!!!111
"Hey pooper." He said and then asked Robotnik if he wanted to be a spy.
"I do I want to avenge that girl who died in teh beginning." RObotnik was saying so Chirs Hanse gave Robotnik Goku's clothes from teh Dragon Ball movie. RObotnik put them on. Then he went to the training room.
Inside the training room Miley Cyrus. "Hey I'm your teacher for now." Miley Cyrus said as she took out a gun and a target. "SHot that place with a bullseye and I will give you a kiss as a reward."
Ronotnik got a boner so large it went to Russia twice in one sitting. He fired the the gun several times and the target was covered with bullet holes. Miley Cyrus did as she promised him and gave him a quick smootch.
That was when the attack happened. Picholo from Dragonball Evolution came in and was looking for one of teh dragon balls. Robotnik wanted to fight him but he only had one practice session so he would faile and he knew it. "Come on this way." Miley Cyrus said and led him through a secret tunnel.
They made it out of the tunnel when they saw the spy building blow up. MIley Cyrus looked at Rootnik. "We need to find teh dragon balls." RObotnik agreed because he knew it was true.
"Where do we find them?" RObotnik asked and Miley explained.
"One of them is in Mt Cornet from Pokemon. Another one is in Cells Arena from Dragon Ball Z. The third one is Morder from Lord of teh Rings. FOurth one if in the Death Star from Star Wars. Fifth one is in Pluto from the SOlar System. Sixth one is in the Ring in Halo. The final one is in Iram of the Pillars from Uncharted 3." Miley Cyrus said and put it on his map.
"Which one is the closest?' Robotnik asked and Miley Cyrus said it was probably the Ring from Halo. So they got in RObotniks 1978 Caravan and started driving. ALong the way they found a alien looking person. Robotnik let them in. "Who are you?" Ronotnik asked and the alien answered.
"My name is Jar JAr." The alien said and Miley Cyrus said Jar Jar was her favorite character ever. So the group started driving and after a while got tired and went to a hotel.
Once at the hotel Kronos was holding Mike Myers in chains. "Let him go." Robotnilk said and took out his gun. Kronos laughed vivillly.
"I a the titan and spy cannot kill kian." Kronos said and then started running towards Robotnnik.
"Yes a spy might not be able to kill you but a Jar Jar could." Robotnik threw Jar Jar at Kronos and they both blew up. Captan Falcoln gave the final move. He falcon punched Kronos all the way back to Tartarus. Captain Falcon left afterwards. After he said yes.
They slept the night and woke up in a Iron Giant. Tyrned out it was thr real Iron Giant from teh Iron Giant. "I hope you live." He said and thenn put the group down. Dean was trying to support them as they were crying really badly.
The group was really close to the ring now. Alll tehy had to do was fight the next enemy. Who was Pedobear.
"Stay away from teh girls." RObotnik kicked Pedobear 9001 feet into the air and then Pedobear became good guy in the next story.
So Miley Cyrus and Robotnik got on the ring and were greeted by two enemies. One was Picaholo from Dragonball Evolution and teh other was Loki from Marvel. Sonic came in to help teh good team.
"I will go fast to get them distracted." Sonic said and then when he got close Pichahlo burnt Sonic's face really bad. That is how SOnic became Sonic.exe. Sonic.exe turned around looking all metal like. There was hyper-realistic blood coming down his face. He got his arm ready and ran to Miley Cyru and stabbed her in the heart. Then Sonic.Exe left the area to take over teh world in his own way.
Robotnik ran to Miley Cyrus. "Don't go I fucking love you." Robotnik confessed and Miley Cyrus died. But she smiled when she died because of his confession.
RObotnik turned around and took his gun out. "PPPPPIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGGGGGAAAAAASSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111" Robotnik yelled so loud his gun turned into a Kaymayhamayhamaymhamayha! It killed Loki but instead sent him over to a different dimension. It was called Asgard and that is how he became teh Norse god Loki from the myths.
Picahalo and RObotnik started fighting. But RObotnik was still no match and Pichalo kicked Rootnik on the ring again so hard it brokw the ring and blew it up. Master Chief watched that and threw his gun down. Because he didn't need it anymore.
"FUCK LIFE!" He yelled mega pissed off.
Robotnik passed out and woke up again. This time with a dragonball. He now had one of the seven. Master Chief came up to him. "Cathulu Senpai is a good god. He watches over the world to make sure it doesn't get out of hand. But he created many things. However there is this terrible god suppoedly named Selnda Davis who is the bad guy. He created pangea but hates everyone. He is making a group called the Illuminati. We must stop his followers from making Illuminati and to do so we need to get all the dragonballs." master Chief joined teh good team.
Robotnik and teh quest for teh dragon balls will return in the sequel From Pingas with Love.
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