Dare to Find Herobrine?
Hello, I am a frequent minecraft player. I LOVE THE GAME I always like logging in and seeing if some myths are true in minecraft get that heart pumping realization although i never tried to find herobrine not until one day when my friend dared me to.. And even said he would play with me.
So we load up a private server Local Connection just to be safe and start our journey. We were using the seed 'herobrine' and were recording from both point of views at first we thought that this was going to be a completely different seed other than the taiga biome that everyone says you spawn in. We only believed this because seeds are randomized over and over again with each update.
We were wrong.. We spawned in the same taiga biome the same spot as everyone else said. A small small valley with wolves running around. At first I thought the wolves had blank white eyes but at a second glance they didn't, my heart was racing faster than ever as we continued through the world collecting wood and coal my friend seemed pretty calm. We made a nice wooden house and were to soon upgrade it to a less flammable material. But we did not get to that nearly enough as weather setting in with rain and lightning I said to my friend "We should head back." he agreed and we exited the cave we did not go far in. And we recoiled in a saddening sight as our home was on fire we tried putting it out but it was too late. He said that lightning must of struck near their house.. I thought that too but i could of swear I saw something moving about in the burning house Was this herobrine? regardless we continued playing minecraft the day was almost over In Real life when we got mossy cobblestone netherrack and gold. We set up the summoning ritual and lit the top on fire.. It burned for a second but got put out by nothing. We were disappointed but also shocked that the nether-rack would not stay on fire for more than two minutes. He proposed that herobrine is not real and that we should not delete this world as so much work was put into it.
So we didn't and continued normally inviting our friends. The next day I joined and one of my friends said that everyone left because they claim that their minecraft keeps on crashing after they been killed. I talked to them and they gave me the same explanation even my friend that I started this server with would not play minecraft anymore "Too freaked out" he says... At first i thought what could of done this? Then i heard my one friend that was left on the server with me shout on ventrilo "FUCK" as I looked down in the chatbar it said.
BurnT5stic was killed by <blank>
I did not know what to make of it before I teleported to the herobrine summoning ritual i had made and burned to death.
My Minecraft crashed... And it keeps saying "Stop trying" each time i tried logging in. Me and my friend tried uploading the videos we had but apparently it said the video was corrupted, why? I checked the recording software and everything was top notch fine. So i decided to post this.
I don't care if you believe if this is true or not.... I just needed to tell someone.
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