DETH TRUMPET: Remastered Edition
NSFW WARNING This page is not safe for work or school. The content of this story is not suitable for some audiences, and may be inappropriate to view in some situations... Or in all situations, at any time, any place, and by any audience for that matter. |
It was a calm Saturday morning, the birds were chirping and shitting, the warm summer breeze flowing into the grass that the Mexican Cartel freshly cut an hour earlier, and the sun was reaching it's peak. It was great, I brewed myself a cup of coffee and turned on the TV. I heard the sound of a UPS truck pulling up to my house. The man was carrying a medium-sized box towards my door. He sets it down and returns to his truck. I opened the door to see what he delivered. It was my trumpet that I ordered yesterday on eBay for 45 dollars (It was a great deal too). I took the box inside and set up my camera to make a generic shitty unboxing video. I opened the cardboard box with a box cutter. I sweeped away all the styrofoam peanuts and picked up the case of the trumpet. I unlatched the locks and proceeded to open the trumpet. The experience was quite odd, as the trumpet is unusually gold. A typical trumpet would be pure silver brass, but this particular trumpet had a gold lacquer finish to it. In the case, the trumpet was prepared with a blood-red looking valve oil, as well as a corroded mouthpiece. I oiled the valves with the spooky looking valve oil like a dumb ass, and I proceeded to play. Closing my eyes, I raised the trumpet to my lips and buzzed a little jazz tune. The trumpet played with perfect tone, no flaws or anything. I opened my eyes, greeted with the sight of a bloody wall. Upon investigating, I found out that the trumpet spurted out blood, painting my wall with what seems to be like the blood-red valve oil. It was getting late, so I went upstairs to my room and fell asleep. I had a nightmare about a trumpet stretching it's bell, ready to eat me alive. The trumpet spewed blood mist and a dead squid that committed suicide. That's all I could remember before waking up in a puddle of sweat. It was early the next morning. I checked on the trumpet. There was a trombone sitting next to the trumpet. "What the fuck?", I said. Assuming I was hallucinating or going insane after my night-terror, I went to the bathroom to wash off my face and take a nasty shit in the toilet. I closed my eyes and I diarrhea'd all over the toilet bowl. Still clenching on my stomach, I opened my eyes, and I saw a sight that no one should ever see. The trumpet and the trombone some how followed me into the restroom as I was shitting. The trumpet grabbed ahold of me with it's valves and began to suffocate me, while the trombone began to penetrate my anus with it's slide. I died of asphyxiation, because that's how I wrote this creepypasta.
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