Cooking Mama - Hell's Kitchen
This be the story all about how I got a haunted Cooking Mama vidya game. I went down to some shady as all fuck black market in a dark alleyway across the road. I asked for games, because some part of me thought a black marker would sell games for some reason. It turns out my 0.01% chance of finding one was correct. They had a copy of Cooking mama. I already had 12 copies of the game so I don't know why the fuck I would want another one, especially since this one is really shitty with the label torn off and "IT'S ROTTEN!" written on it in black sharpie.
I asked the clerk where he got it from. Some fuckwit with a huge nose threw it at him. At first, I be like: "Holy shit, Squidward owned it!", so I bought it and ran fast like Sanic back home.
I popped the cartridge into my really old and shitty DS, and immediately I was petrified. A picture of Gordon Ramsey with no eyes popped up on the screen, and the DS started hurling insults at me through its speakers. I was scared as fuck and I burnt the game and the console and never did anything related to anything again. Then I thought "Well I got ripped the fuck off!"
The next day, an episode of Hell's Kitchen came on. I got PTSD and ran off, never to be seen again. I'm actually in my bathroom. I locked myself in. I later died of starvation.
R.I.P Author
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