Commander Keen: Goodbye Life!!!

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Mortmer mear seconds before tragicly killing Ken.

My name is Jimmy Broncurtz and When i was akid (like 6 or 7) I Didn't have a Sega oR nIntendo my family was poor. instead my Dad worked at a office company I froget the name of and he brought home a Ibm pc that the Boss gave to him as a Christmas. I have Fond memory of playing many games on it like man hunt in new york and dUke nuke however. by Far my most favorite of these old Games was one called "Commander Ken in Godbye Glaxy". In these Games you played as a boy named Ken (he had white skin for Some reason) and you Used a Ray GUn to fihgt aliens and robots and trees and save the earth while Collecting yummy candies. being a fan of STar wars at that age, I absolutly loved that gam, and also Liked that itwas a boy just like Me. Point in Caes, that gaem was big part of child hood. So one Time i Went to Cedar point (it was very fun_and When i was Coming back i found a store on the Side of the road. I forget what it was called (Something like : Ohio's best retro games though that's not ti when i search in Google got no result0 and it was like a gas station like 7-11 or Getog but there was no Gas pump under the big ceiling thingy which By the way was really rusty and looked like it would fall any moment and there was also a sign next to it saying "Sunco" but it was really faded and broken looking. i was intrigued, so I entered. In side was like a dank (dank like dark not like the Meme dank) library, but Except books it was Piles of game Cartrdige rangig from atari to ninteno, along with floppy disks. So I listened and Went up to Clerk, who was a creepy old Guy with white Hair he kind of Look liked Dr wily from Mega man if you ever play that. I said Hello and he Said i could Pick anything i Wanted in the store and He would anser andy Question i Had. still i had my Ibm pc my dad got shot by terroris in Iraq (rest in peace ddad) so I went to floopy disk sectio. I looked for Comader Ken games because I lost my copy i moved Houses. After looking for what sees like Hours, i found a old flopy disk with no label that have "Cmader Keen, Goodbye Glaxy" wirtten on it with BLOOD!!!!! Howeveri did not notice at time because i was Too excited to relive my Childhood. I took it to creepy clerk, Who told me that game is scary and i Shouldn't buy it. But i Thought he was just a Sissy who got scared by the aliens which are Actually not Scary. I took it Home, hyped to go back to Child Hood. A=after many Hours, i got back to My House. i Pullede out the Ibm Pc from my dad who was shot by a teroris in Iraq, and hooked up to the plug to Bed. When i turned on the Computer, i typed "C:/Keen4" usual, but now after i playyed that, wish I never did that. I happy before i hit enter key. After that, things wouldnt be sae. The title Screen came Up, but in stead of saying "Comader Ken in Godbye Glaxy, it said comander keen in goodguy LIFE!!!!" this was kind of weird, as clearly remmber as "gooddbye galaxy", but i Continued because maybe Mandela effect. Another weird thingy was that Ken look more depresed than I remeber. He no smile, he just have this creephy look that say "Help, I in Pain". Must be graphic glitch. The starwar reference aat demo also didnt explain story, but describe Ken having deep clincal depreson after kiling inocen vorticon (blue dog alien who brainwas by ken rival, mortmer mctire) in last ken game. that was kind of spooky. Began game and thing were aok untill I went to Keen spaceship. It was like DESTROYED with fire and everything and keen stood there CRYING!!!! I figure it was cutscene, so I continue. I began first level. wird thing is music was off-key and scary sound unlike happy sound like i rember, figure disk broken. also wen ken colect the rain drop i could here him HYPER REALISTICALLY CRY!!!!! that was very confusing.when i went to second level, i acdently touced one of those bleu mushroom. i rember int kilt me, but instead when ken touched it he went on DRUG TRIP like he was on a LSD!!!!!! the scren got all wavy and ranbow, and ken startd seing scary thing like was voricon famioly cryig of dead son that ken shot wen stoppin mprtmer mcire and ken was siting on clif nearby and cring and drinking his dad BEER!!!!! Evenatailulay, the druga trup stoped and i could countoienue game. Gthe game was otherwise normal, but wen i met princes linsey, instead of kviing ken a tip on his quest, she told "YOU WILL DIE IN BLOOD KEN!!!!!!!". This was drak for kids gaem!!!!!! Iwt as at this momenet that i realize came was not noralas. Buy i decadent do beat it any way. Wen i found one of the sage guys, it turn out he actaulally DEAD!!!!! He had HYPERFEALISTIC PLOOD!!!!! gun soht in his cehest and who was Sranding naxt to hiim Mortinmer Micmire with a HYPERREALISTIC GUN!!!! I tru to shott him wilth my lazer gun, but he disapper!!! I have to stop mrotmer!!111!!! i blazed throuhg resrt of gaem, even ignore yummy candies. I got to the cave, andt there was MROTMER MICIRE!!!! Instead of fighting ken, he just stand there, saying thing like "KEN U MY NEMSIS EVR SINSE PRESCOOL!!!! TIME TO END YOU!!!!! Ken just stood there, HYPREREFALISTICALLY crying with mortmer fast approach!!!! No mater wat key i push, he just stay there. Not even Escape key worked. then Mortmer did scary thing ever: he WENT UP TO KEN and then RIPPED HIS HEAD OFF!!!!! OMG THIS WAS SO SCARY i started HYPERSPEALICSTICALY myslef!!!! than MORTMER turned to ME he said YOUR' NEXT!!!! I tried to run but then Mortmer (real) came through my DOOR AND RIPPED MY HEAD OFF!!!!!! I died and the END!!!!!! If youo see a gaem called "Cmader Ken in Goodbai LIFE!!!", DESTROY IT immediately and call a exoscist or the dooom giye, i think this game has demonS in it!!!!!!!!11!!!

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