Clash of Clans CreepyPasta
My friend told me about how he lost is Th9 account one evening in November...
He was looking online at hacks, he found one on a pro looking website, when he read the reviews (not realising they were fake) he decided to download. After a quick two minute download, he plugged in his ipad, asked for a substantial ammount of gems and clicked Start.
little after a minute, it said download complete, he clicked on Clash of Clans, it came to the loading screen. But it wouldnt load, he exited and reloaded the app, and this time it worked.
He didnt have the ammount of gems he asked for; only around 10,000. He quickly maxed th8 and moved on to 9. Over the next week he started seeing strange things. When the app restarted, he'd find buildings in different places. He told me on one battle, he deployed the clan castle troops, and he told me how they stopped, there eyes areas began to glow red, the cc archers turned around, ans began firing at his other troops.
he heard someone shout "trators!", the barbarians began to fight the turned archers, although when they died, they let out a blood curdling scream that caused him to fall of his chair. The battle then abruptly ended. A few days later, he was looking at causes, he read that the hack was infamous, made by a CoC lover who worshipped satan. He sold his life to devil in exchange to the code for a truly horrible hack after it was published, the devil grabbed him and dragged him into the very code itself.
After awhile, every other raid would be the same village named 'Satan', a max Th10 with more inferno towers and other defenses then the game gave. He would constantly lose. A few days later, he was viewing his village, he clicked on his barb king to rush the healing. But when he clicked, fire encircled the alter, he got up and yelled what he assumed was latin.
The Barb king started to destroy his own base, the defenses not fighting back, when he was done with the village, it started to pixilate, the screen went near black, white noise in the distance. It was then that the CoC tuhe played, a face appeared on the screen, slightly distorted. It turned to the devil. It was then that the lights exploded. He was knocked out cold by some force.
He woke up in the arms of a fireman outside his burning house. They found his iPad, it had exploded , the screen was broken, the cracks in the shape of a pentagram, the charge wire was leaking blood.
he emailed supercell, telling them he lost it after downloading some satanic hack. Supercell replied:
'We are aware of ФSatANф.exe. Sadly to protect are workers lives, we cannot help you or your base'. His base was poccessed, the hack was the demon of the programmer or the man who sold his soul to the devil for the code, and then became part of the code.
my friend declared his findings on the sc forums. He died later that day; he had thrown up an extremly rare Emerald only found in some comets, known as Geleatmus Exdius Medum. Gem. He threw up a gem, ripping some vital organs and his windpipe on the way up. No one understands how the gem got there, or how a poccession or soul can exsist in code and electricity. All we know is it happened.
The post was later taken down.
(Geleatmus Exdius Medum is a real emerald, only discovered once inside a comet, it is green and preserved in the London Natrual History meseum in the shape of a CoC gem to remember my friend by)
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